sexta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2010

Elvis Presley - Letras das músicas de A a Z - Parte 22

Elvis Presley:
Letras T - Parte 2 (de "This is our dance" a "Twenty days and twenty nights")

596. "This is our dance" - Single
(Reed - Stephens)

We had a real good evening
Now all our friends are leaving
Soon we'll be alone
Wait till everybody has gone
Then play just one more song

'Cause this is our dance
Darling remember, it's our dance
Loving and tender
I'll take you away, take you away
In my arms
Yes this is our dance, now we're together
For our dance can't last forever
And nobody knows just what tomorrow will bring
So let our dance begin

We'll turn the light down low now
I'll never let you go now
You're here in my arms
And when I hear you whisper you're mine
We'll play that song just one more time

'Cause this is our dance
Darling remember, it's our dance
Loving and tender
I'll take you away, take you away
In my arms
Yes this is our dance, now we're together
For our dance can't last forever
And nobody knows just what tomorrow will bring
So let our dance begin

597. "This is the story" do Disco "Back In Memphis"
(Arnold - Morrow - Martin)

I play the song, it was our own
Your photograph's by my side
I know I can't forget you
So I don't even try

The note you left is in my hand
I read again what you say
You're sorry but you love him
And you've both gone away

This is the story of a man
Whose world has fallen apart
And it's the story
That is breaking my heart

An open fire, our favorite chair
I get a book from the shelf
But the words I am reading
Could apply to myself

This is the story of a man
Whose world has fallen apart
And it's the story
That is breaking my heart
Yes, it's the story that is breaking my heart
Yes, it's the story that is breaking my heart
Yes, it's the story that is breaking my heart

598. "This time / I can't stop loving you"
(Chips Moman / Don Gibson)

I'll just jump in there whenever I get the chance

I think I forgot to wear my cup
That's just my way of loving you
This time we're really breaking up
I know I forgot to wear my cup
Daa da dum
Those happy hours that we once knew
So apart still make me blue
I know that time heals a broken heart
But time has stood still since we've been apart

I can't stop loving you
I said I made up my mind
To live in memory of a lonesome time
I can't stop wanting you
Its useless to say
So I'll just live my life
In dreams of yesterday

Those happy hours that we once knew
So long ago you know they still make be blue
They say that time heals a broken heart
But time has stood still since we've been apart

I can't stop loving you
I said I made up my mind
To live in memory of a lonesome time
I can't stop wanting you
Its useless to say
So I'll just live my life
In dreams of yesterday
Mmmmm my life in dreams of yesterday

599. "Three corn patches" do Disco "Raised on Rock/For Old Times Sake"
(Leiber - Stoller)

I said three corn patches about four cotton fields away
I said three corn patches about four cotton fields away
Lives the prettiest girl in the whole darn U.S.A.
I said A

She's got big brown eyes and long black wavy hair, Mmm
She's got big brown eyes and long black wavy hair
She's so beautiful, people it don't seem fair

Well I've been to Chicago, been to New Orleans
Yes, I've been to Chicago, been to New Orleans
But I'd rather see my baby workin' in her old blue jeans

I said three corn patches
About four cotton fields away
I said three corn patches
About four cotton fields away
Lives the prettiest girl in the whole darn U.S.A.
I said A

She keeps a big bull dog out in the yard all night
She keeps a big bull dog out in the yard all night
And it barks like a bear oh, but he don't bite

I said three corn patches
About four cotton fields away
I said three corn patches
About four cotton fields away
Lives the prettiest girl in the whole darn U.S.A.
I said A
Gimme three, gimme four
I said three, well four

600. "Thrill of your love" do Disco "Elvis Is Back!"
(Stanley Kesler)

I have wished for the wealth
Of a great millionaire
I have reached for a bright star above
But the thrill of it all
To me seems so small
When compared to the thrill of your love

I'd rather give everything
That I own in this world
Than to be all alone and unloved
For no earthly price and no sacrifice
Is too much to give
For your love

I'd rather give everything
That I own in this world
Than to be all alone and unloved
For no earthly price and no sacrifice
Is too much to give
For your love

601. "Tiger man"
(Lewis - Burns)

I am the king of the jungle
They call me the tiger man
I am the king of the jungle
They call me tiger man
If you cross my path
You take your own life in your hands

Yeah, I get up on a mountain
And I call my black cat back
Yeah, I get up on a mountain
And I call my black cat back
My black cat comes a runnin'
And the hound dogs get way back

Yeah, I get up on a mountain
And I call my black cat back
Yeah, I get up on a mountain
And I call my black cat back
My black cat comes a runnin'
And the hound dogs get way back

Yeah, I get up on a mountain
And I call my black cat back
Yeah, I get up on a mountain
And I call my black cat back
My black cat comes a runnin'
And the hound dogs get way back

602. "Today, tomorrow and forever" do Filme "Amor a Toda Velocidade"
(Giant - Baum - Kaye)

I give, give you my heart
Today, tomorrow and forever
You'll always be my love

I vow we'll never part
Today, tomorrow and forever
Long as there's stars above

The cares of life will fade away
As long as we're together
So stay, stay in my arms
Today, tomorrow and forever
You'll always be my love

I give, give you my heart
Today, tomorrow and forever
You'll always be my love

The cares of life will fade away
As long as we're together
So stay, stay in my arms
Today, tomorrow and forever
You'll always be my love
You'll always be my love

603. "Tomorrow is a long time" do Disco "Spinout"
(Bob Dylan)

If today was not an endless highway
If tonight was not an endless trail
If tomorrow wasn't such a long time
Then lonesome would mean nothing to me at all

Yes and only if my own true love was waiting
If I could hear her heart softly pounding
If only she was lying by me
Then I'd lie in my bed once again

I can't see my reflection in the water
I can't speak the sounds that show no pain
I can't hear the echo of my footsteps
I can't remember the sound of my own name

Yes and only if my own true love was waiting
If I could hear her heart softly pounding
If only she was lying by me
Then I'd lie in my bed once again

There's beauty in the silver singing river
There's beauty in the sunrise in the sky
But none of these and nothing else could match the beauty
That I remember in my true love's eyes

Yes and only if my own true love was waiting
If I could hear her heart softly pounding
If only she was lying by me
Then I'd lie in my bed once again

If today was not an endless highway
If tonight was not an endless trail
If tomorrow wasn't such a long time
Then lonesome would mean nothing to me at all

Yes and only if my own true love was waiting
If I could hear her heart softly pounding
If only she was lying by me
Then I'd lie in my bed once again

604. "Tomorrow never comes" do Disco "Elvis Country"
(Ernest Tubb - Johnny Bond)

Oh you tell me that you love me
Yes you tell me that you care
That tomorrow we'll be married, oh
But tomorrow's never there

Oh tomorrow never, never comes
Oh tomorrow never comes
Now you tell me that you love me, oh
But tomorrow never comes

Many weeks now have I waited
Oh many long nights have I cried
But just to see that happy morning, happy morning
When I have you right by my side

But tomorrow will never come, oh no, no
Tomorrow never gonna come
Now you tell me that you love me
But tomorrow never, never comes

So tomorrow I’ll be leaving
Yes tomorrow I’ll be gone
But tomorrow you'll be weeping, oh
But tomorrow will never, never come

Well tomorrow will never, never come
Oh no, tomorrow ain't never gonna come
Yeah, yeah, you tell me, you tell me
That you love me, but tomorrow never comes

605. "Tomorrow night" do Disco "Elvis for Everyone"
(S. Coslow - W. Grosz)

Tomorrow night
Will you remember what you said tonight?
Tomorrow night
Will all thrills be gone?
Tomorrow night
Will it be just another memory,
Or just another lovely song
That's in my full heart to linger on?

Your lips are so tender,
Your heart is beating fast
And you're willing to surrender.
Tell me, darling, will it last?

Tomorrow night
Will you be with me when the moon's bright?
Tomorrow night
Will you say those lovely things you said tonight?

Tomorrow night
Will it be just another memory
Or just another lovely song
That's in my full heart to linger on?

Your lips are so tender,
Your heart is beating fast
And you're willing to surrender.
Tell me, darling, will it last?

Tomorrow night
Will you remember what you said tonight?
Tomorrow night
Will you say those lovely things you said tonight?

606. "Tonight's all right for love" do Filme "Saudades de um Pracinha"
(Wayne - Silver - Lilly)

Hold me tight the moon's so bright
Tonight the night is right for love
As warmed by one as stars are bright
I hold you oh so close my dear
Things could be that magic kiss
That night of this we've waited for
Oh we could fly right up to the sky
How real it all seems to me
That summer night dream to me
Can't you see that tonight's all right for love
Oh we could fly right up to the sky
How real it all seems to me
That summer night dream to me
Can't you see that tonight's all right for love

607. "Tonight is so right for love" do Filme "Saudades de um Pracinha"
(Versão: Wayne - Silver - Lilly, baseado na Obra de Johannsen Strauss)

Hold me tight
The moon’s so bright
Tonight is so right for love

Now’s the time to say
You’re the only one
Tonight is so right for love

One by one the stars appear
They twinkle in your eyes
Who’d believe that we’d be here
So near to paradise

This could be the kiss
To unlock heaven’s door
That magic hour of bliss
That we both waited for
I love more and more

Oh’ we could fly right up to the sky
The things we’ve been dreaming of
And how real they would seem
A midsummernight’s dream
Can’t you see that tonight’s so right for love

And how real they would seem
A midsummernight’s dream
Can’t you see that tonight’s so right for love

Hold me tight
The moon’s so bright
Tonight is so right for love

608. "Too much" do Disco "Elvis Golden Records"
(Lee Rosenberg - Bernard Weinman)

Honey, I love you too much
Need your lovin' too much
Want the thrill of your touch
Gee, I can't hold you too much
You do all the livin'
While I do all the givin'
Cause I love you too much

You spend all my money too much
Have to share you honey, too much
When I want some lovin', you're gone
Don't you know you're treatin' me wrong
Now you got me started
Don't you leave me broken hearted
Cause I love you too much

Ev'ry time I kiss your sweet lips
I can feel my heart go flip flip
I'm such a fool for your charms
Like to hear you sighin'
Even though I know you're lyin'
Cause I love you too much

Need your lovin' all the time
Need you huggin', please be mine
Need you near me, stay real close
Please, please, hear me, you're the most
Now you got me started
Don't you leave me broken hearted
Cause I love you too much

609. "Too much monkey business"
(Chuck Berry)

Salesman talking to me tried to run me up a creek
Says you can buy it, go on try it, you can pay me next week
Uh-uh, too much monkey business, too much monkey business
Too much monkey business for me to be involved in

Blonde haired, good lookin' tryin' to get me hooked
Wants me to marry, settle down and get a home and and write a book
Uh-uh, too much monkey business, too much monkey business
Too much monkey business for me to be involved in

Pay phone, somethin' wrong, dial gone,
Well me ought to sue the operator for tellin' me a tale
Uh-uh, too much monkey business, too much monkey business
Too much monkey business for me to be involved in

Oh-ho-ho ...... Oh-ho-ho ...... Oh-ho-ho ...... Oh-ho-ho

Been to Vietnam, been a fightin' in the war
Army bar, army chow, army clothes, army car
Uh-uh, too much monkey business, too much monkey business
Too much monkey business for me to be involved in

Workin' in the fillin' station, too many tasks
Wipe the windo', check the tires, check the oil, dollar gas
Uh-uh, too much monkey business, too much monkey business
Too much monkey business for me to be involved in

Blonde haired, good lookin' tryin' to get me hooked
Wants me to marry, get a home, settle down and and write a book
Uh-uh, too much monkey business, too much monkey business
Too much monkey business for me to be involved in
Too much monkey business, Oh-ho-ho, too much monkey business, Oh-ho-ho
Too much monkey business, Oh-ho-ho too much monkey business, Oh-ho-ho
Too much monkey business, Oh-ho-ho too much monkey business, Oh-ho-ho

610. "Treat me nice" do Filme "O Prisioneiro do Rock"
(Jerry Leiber - Mike Stoller)

When I walk through that door
Baby be polite
You're gonna make me sore
If you don't greet me right
Don't you ever kiss me once, kiss me twice
Treat me nice

I know that you've been told
It's not fair to tease
So if you come on cold
I'm really gonna freeze
If you don't want me to be cold as ice
Treat me nice

Make me feel at home
If you really care
Scratch my back and run your pretty
Fingers through my hair

You know I'll be your slave
If you ask me to
But if you don't behave
I'll walk right out on you
If you want my love then take my advice
Treat me nice

Make me feel at home
If you really care
Scratch my back and run your pretty
Fingers through my hair

You know I'll be your slave
If you ask me to
But if you don't behave
I'll walk right out on you
If you want my love then take my advice
Treat me nice

If you really want my love then treat me nice

611. "Trouble" do Filme "Balada Sangrenta"
(Leiber - Stoller)

If you're looking for trouble
You came to the right place
If you're looking for trouble
Just look right in my face
I was born standing up
And talking back
My daddy was a green-eyed mountain jack
Because I'm evil, my middle name is misery
Well I'm evil, so don't you mess around with me

I've never looked for trouble
But I've never ran
I don't take no orders
From no kind of man
I'm only made out
Of flesh, blood and bone
But if you're gonna start a rumble
Don't you try it on alone
Because I'm evil, my middle name is misery
Well I'm evil, so don't you mess around with me
I'm evil, evil, evil, as can be
I'm evil, evil, evil, as can be
So don't mess around don't mess around don't mess around with me
I'm evil, I'm evil, evil, evil
So don't mess around, don't mess around with me
I'm evil, I tell you I'm evil
So don't mess around with me

612. "T-R-O-U-B-L-E" do Disco "Elvis Today"
(Jerry Chesnut)

I play an old piano from nine till a half past one
Tryin' to make a livin' watchin' everybody have fun
Well, I don't miss much that ever happens on a dance hall floor
Mercy, look what just walked through that door

Well, hello T-R-0-U-B-L-E
What in the world you're doin' A-L-O-N-E?
Say, good L-double O-K-I-N-G
I smell T-R-O-U-B-L-E

I was a little bitty baby when my papa hit the skids
Mama had a time tryin' to raise nine kids
Told me not to stare 'cause it was impolite
And did the best she could to try to raise me right

But mama never told me 'bout nothing like Y-O-U
Say, your mama must have been another something or the other too
Say, hello good L-double O-K-I-N-G
I smell T-R-O-U-B-L-E

Well, you talk about a woman I've seen a lot of others
But too much something' and not enough another
You've got it all together like a lovin' machine
Lookin' like glory and walkin' like a dream

Mother Nature's sure been good to Y-O-U
Well, your mama must have been another good lookin' too
Say, hey, good L-double O-K-I-N-G
I smell T-R-O-U-B-L-E

Well, you talk about a trouble-makin' hunka pokey bait,
The men are gonna love and all the women gonna hate
Reminding them of everything they never gonna be
Maybe the beginning of the World War III
Oh, the world ain't ready for nothin' like a Y-O-U
Well, I bet your mama must have been another something or the other too

Say hey good L-double O-K-I-N-G
I smell T-R-O-U-B-L-E

613. "True love" do Disco "Loving You"
(Cole Porter)

Suntanned, windblown, honeymooners at last alone
Feeling far above par, oh how lucky we are
While I give to you and you give to me
True love, true love
So, on and on it will always be
True love, true love
For you and I have a guardian angel on high
With nothing to do but to give to you
And to give to me love forever true

614. "True love travels on a gravel road" do Disco "From Elvis In Memphis"
(Frazier - Owens)

How many girls choose cotton dress worlds
When they could have satins and lace
And stand by her man, never once letting shade touch her face
How many hearts could live through all the winters
We've known and still not be cold
True love travels on a gravel road.

Love is a stranger and hearts are in danger
All through streets paved with gold
For true love travels on a gravel road.

Down through the years we've had hard times and tears
But they only helped our love grow
And we'll stay together no matter how strong the wind blows
Not once have I seen your blue eyes filled with envy
Or stray from the one that you hold
Oh true love travels on a gravel road.

Love is a stranger and hearts are in danger
All through streets paved with gold
For true love travels on a gravel road.

Yeah, true love travels on a gravel road. Mmmm
True love travels on a gravel road.
True love travels on a gravel road.

615. "Tryin' to get to you" do Disco "Elvis Presley"
(C. Singleton - R.M. McCoy)

I've been traveling over miles
Even through the valleys, too
I've been traveling night and day
I've been running all the way
Baby, trying to get to you.

Ever since I read your letter
Where you said you loved me true
I've been traveling night and day
I've been running all the way
baby, trying to get to you

When I read your loving letter
Then my heart began to sing
There were many miles between us,
But they didn't mean a thing.

I just had to reach you, baby,
In spite of all that I've been through.
I kept traveling night and day,
I kept running all the way,
Baby, trying to get to you.

Well if I had to do it over
That's exactly what I'd do,
I would travel night and day,
And I'd still run all the way,
Baby, trying to get to you.

Well, there's nothing that could hold me
Or that could keep me away from you
When your loving letter told me
That you really loved me true

Lord above me knows I love you
It was He who brought me through,
When my way was darkest night,
He would shine His brightest light,
When I was trying to get to you.

616. "Turn your eyes upon Jesus / Nearer my God to Thee"
( Lemmel / Clarke) - (Fuller / Adams / Mason)

And all the world go free
Now there's a cross for everyone
And there's a cross for me
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
(where are the words) wonder proclaim
And the paint upon the wall
Will go straight ??
In the light of his wonderful face

Nearer my God thee
Nearer to thee
?? the cross
???????? me
Nearer my God to thee
Nearer my God to thee
Nearer my God to thee
Nearer to thee

617. "Tutti Frutti" do Disco "Elvis Presley"
(Dorothy LaBostrie - Richard Penniman)

Wop-bop-a-loom-a-boom-bam-boom tutti frutti
au rutti tutti frutti au rutti tutti frutti
au rutti tutti frutti au rutti tutti frutti
au rutti wop-bop-a-loom-bop-a-boom-bam-boom

Got a gal named Sue
She knows just what to do
She rocks to the east
She rocks to the west
She's the gal I love best

I got a gal named Daisy
She almost drives me crazy
She knows how to love me
Yes indeed, boy you don't know
What she does to me

618. "Tweedle dee"
(Winfield Scott)

Tweedle tweedle tweedle dee
I'm as happy as can be.
Jimminy cricket, jimminy jack,
You make my heart go clickety-clack.
Tweedle tweedle tweedle dee.

Tweedle dum, tweedle do,
Give it up give it up,
Give your love to me.
Tweedle do, tweedle dot.
Gimme gimme gimme gimme
Gimme all the love you got.

Tweedle tweedle tweedle dee,
I'm a lucky so-and-so.
Mercy, mercy, pudding pie,
You got something that money can't buy.
Tweedle tweedle dee.

Tweedle dum, tweedle do
Give that kiss to me before you go.
Tweedle do, tweedle dot,
Gimme gimme gimme gimme
Gimme all the love you got.

Tweedle tweedle tweedle dee
I'm a lucky so-and-so.
Mercy, mercy, who needs you?
I'm gonna keep my eyes on you.
Tweedle tweedle tweedle dee.
Oh, tweedle dee, tweedle do.

619. "Twenty days and twenty nights" do Disco "That's The Way It Is"
(Weisman - Westlake)

I left my home up in the hill far behind me
I left my wife with unpaid bills, she can't find me
I'm trying out the world for size, find that it's not paradise, it's lonely
Now for twenty days and twenty nights I've been alone
And that ain't right without her

City ways are strange to me, I can't make it
For it's not like it ought to be, I can't take it
Gotta face the truth one day, man can't always run away from trouble
No, now for twenty days and twenty nights I've been a fool
And that ain't right, without her

One day soon I'm going back, where she still minds me
And then out of line and off the track, but that's behind me
I fooled around and did it well, but I just couldn't ring the bell , without her, no
It's taken twenty days and twenty nights to prove me wrong and make her right
Twenty days and twenty nights I was wrong and she was right, all along

Oh, I miss her
Oh, how I miss her, oh how I miss her, oh how I miss her

Compilação: Pablo Aluísio.

quinta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2010

Elvis Presley - Letras das músicas de A a Z - Parte 21

Letra T (de "Take good care of her" a "This is my heaven")

550. "Take good care of her" do Disco "Good Times"
(Warren - Kent)

Take good care of her, take good care of her
I suppose I ought to say congratulations
For you won the only girl I ever loved
But I hurt too much to face the situation
Just take good care of her, take good care of her

Just to be around her was my greatest pleasure
She was everything my future held in store
So remember when you take my only treasure
Just take good care of her, take good care of her

I must accept it, she loves you more than me
So with my broken heart I'll bow out gracefully
Please don't send me any wedding invitation
For I couldn't bear to see her there with you
If she's happy, that will be my consolation
Just take good care of her, take good care of her

Take good care of her, take good care of her

551. "Take me to the fair" do Filme "Loiras, Ruivas e Morenas"
(Sid Tepper - Roy C. Bennett)

Take me to the fair
Take me to the fair, don't know anywhere
I would rather be

Let's, go to the fair
We'll walk hand in hand, through Tomorrow Land
Only you and me

I wanna see everything, do everything
While we're doin' it all
I'll buy the peanuts and popcorn
We'll have us a ball

You can spend my pay
Crush me in the crowds, I'll be in the clouds
Honey I don't care

Take me there by sleigh
Go, let's get a bite, anywhere you like
But take me to the fair

I wanna see everything, do everything
While we're doin' it all
I'll buy the peanuts and popcorn
We'll have us a ball

Take me there by sleigh
Go, let's have a bite, anywhere you like
But take me to the fair

Take me to the fair, Take me to the fair
Take me to the fair

552. "Take my hand precious Lord" do Disco "Elvis Christmas Album"
(Thomas A. Dorsey)

Precious Lord, take my hand
Lead me on, let me stand
I'm tired, I’m weak, I’m lone
Through the storm, through the night
Lead me on to the light
Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home

When my way grows drear precious Lord linger near
When my light is almost gone
Hear my cry, hear my call
Hold my hand lest I fall
Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home

When the darkness appears and the night draws near
And the day is past and gone
At the river I stand
Guide my feet, hold my hand
Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home

Precious Lord, take my hand
Lead me on, let me stand
I'm tired, I’m weak, I’m lone
Through the storm, through the night
Lead me on to the light
Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home

553. "Talk about the good times" do Disco "Good Times"
(Jerry Reed Hubbard)

Well I remember when I was as children
The time the people used to treat the neighbor like a fellow man
And all their singin' and big prayer meetin's
When a man was proud to walk up and shake his neighbors hand

Oh you talk about the good times,
Talk about the good times
Oh if you ever needed help a friend was there
Some good neighbor
Help lift your burden
Mmm, and the simple joys of life a friend would share

Times are harder and the people are changin'
Now most folks couldn't tell you who their neighbors are
All their guns are loaded, the front doors are bolted
Ain't this ol' world takin' hate and fear just a little too far

Oh you talk about the good times,
Talk about the good times
I wish I could go back to the days I'm speakin of
When a friend would meet you
And a smile would greet you
What this ol' world needs now is a little old fashioned love

My granddaddy God rest his soul now
Well we had a big long talk together the day he died
Said son this world is full of hate and venom
An' I can't wait to leave this ol' place and rest on the other side

Oh you talk about the good times, talk about the good times
Talk about the good times
I'm gonna see all the friends I knew in the good ol' days
We'll have a big hand shakin'
An' sit and talk together
Sit down by the river Jordan and sing our blues away

Oh you talk about the good times, talk about the good times
Talk about the good times
I'm gonna see all the friends I knew in the good ol' days
We'll have a big hand shakin'
An' sit and talk together
Sit down by the river Jordan and sing our blues away

Oh you talk about the good times, talk about the good times
Talk about the good times
I'm gonna see all the friends I knew in the good ol' days
We'll have a big hand shakin'
An' sit and talk together
Sit down by the river Jordan and sing our blues away

554. "Teddy bear" do Filme "A Mulher que eu Amo"

Baby let me be,
your lovin' Teddy Bear
Put a chain around my neck,
and lead me anywhere
Oh let me be
Your teddy bear.

I don't wanna be a tiger
Cause tigers play too rough
I don't wanna be a lion
'Cause lions ain't the kind
you love enough.
Just wanna be, your Teddy Bear
Put a chain around my neck
and lead me anywhere
Oh let me be
Your teddy bear.

Baby let me be, around you every night
Run your fingers through my hair,
And cuddle me real tight

555. "Tell me why"
(Titus Iurner)

Every time I look at someone new
Tell me why I think of you
Then you sometimes ask me by
You're playing with love
Darling tell me why

You left me all alone
To cry over you
My heart is torn and broken
There's nothing left to do

In my prayers, I'll mention you
When you're gone I feel so blue
Why can't I have all of you
Oh, somebody, please tell me why

556. "Tender feeling" do Filme "Com Caipira não se Brinca"
(Giant - Baum - Kaye)

I can't conceal the tender feeling
Now that you are close to me
I look at you with tender feeling
And can't help kiss you tenderly

I offer you a true devotion
All life through my love I vow
For this is real, this sweet emotion
This tender feeling I have now

Somehow I knew from the moment our lips first met
You'd be the girl I could never forget
No other love could be appealing
I loved you right from the start
And with each kiss I'll keep revealing
The tender feeling in my heart

557. "Tennessee Waltz"
(Stewart - King)

I lost my little darling
The night they were playing
The beautiful Tennessee Waltz

I remember the night of the Tennessee Waltz
Only you know how much I have lost

I lost my little darling
The night they were playing
The beautiful Tennessee Waltz

I remember the night of the Tennessee Waltz
Only you know how much I have lost

558. "Thanks to the rolling sea" do Filme "Garotas, Garotas e mais Garotas"
(Batchelor - Roberts)

Thanks to the rolling, rolling, rolling, thanks to the rolling sea
Thanks to the rolling, rolling, rolling, thanks to the rolling sea
Fish on the table and fish on the fire, fried fish hanging on the tree
Everything here that your heart desires, thanks to the rolling sea
Thanks to the rolling sea

Living is good and living is fine, we're happy as can be
We owe all this to the salty brine, thanks to the rolling sea
Thanks to the rolling sea

We work all day but our hearts are gay, and while we work we sing
The mighty sea is good to us and we've got everything
Abalone steaks and tuna fish cakes, taste so heavenly
We know who we owe it to, thanks to the rolling sea
Thanks to the rolling, rolling, rolling, thanks to the rolling sea
Thanks to the rolling, rolling, rolling, thanks to the rolling sea
Thanks to the rolling, rolling, rolling, thanks to the rolling sea
Thanks to the rolling, rolling, rolling, thanks to the rolling sea

559. "That's all right, mama" do Disco "For LP Fans Only"
(Arthur Crudup)

Well, that's all right, mama
That's all right for you
That's all right mama, just anyway you do
Well, that's all right, that's all right.
That's all right now mama, anyway you do

Mama she done told me,
Papa done told me too
'Son, that gal your foolin' with,
She ain't no good for you'
But, that's all right, that's all right.
That's all right now mama, anyway you do

I'm leaving town, baby
I'm leaving town for sure
Well, then you won't be bothered with
Me hanging 'round your door
Well, that's all right, that's all right.
That's all right now mama, anyway you do

560. "That's someone you never forget" do Disco "Pot Luck"
(West - Presley)

The way she held your hand,
The little things you planned
Her memory is with you yet
That's someone you never forget

When she is far away
You'll think of her each day
And you know she'll wait for you
That's someone you never forget

Others may pass your way
And let you think their love is true
But you know that they'll never replace
The one that waits for you

561. "That's when your heartaches begin" do Disco "Elvis Golden Records"
(W. Raskin - G. Brown- F. Fisher)

If you find your sweetheart
in the arms of a friend
That's when your heartaches begin
When dreams of a lifetime
must come to an end
That's when your heartaches begin

Love is a thing
you never can share
If you bring a friend
into your love affair
That's the end of your sweetheart,
that's the end of your friend
That's when your heartaches begin

562. "The bullfighter was a lady" do Filme "O Seresteiro de Acapulco"
(Sid Tepper - Roy C. Bennett)

Pedro the bull was a killer
King of the bullfighter ringer
He'd wipe up the floor with each brave matador
And have matador stew for his dinner

He heard the crowd shouting "Olé"
But he met his master that day

The bullfighter was a lady
And it was true love at first sight
Her red cape was waving but Pedro was shaking (or shaving?)
He wanted to date her that night


Pedro the bull he was smitten
First time the love bug had bitten
He once was a mad bull, a wild and a bad bull
But now he was mild as a kitten

The people were starting to hiss
But Pedro just wanted to kiss

The bullfighter was a lady
And Pedro he liked what he saw
He floated on air with a rose in his hair
As he waltzed with that sweet matador

His fate was a bad one, his tale is a sad one
It's hanging right over her door


563. "The fair's moving on"
(Fletcher - Flett)

All the rides are over and done
It's late and no prizes are left to be won
The rides are closed, it's the end of the day
The horses are moving away
Yes the fair's moving on
And I'll soon be gone
Remember the love that we've known
Yes the fair's moving on
But I won't leave you long
It's the last time you'll be on your own

The music has ended, the carousel's still
The horses in boxes with the big Ferris wheel
The canvass and glitter are safely on board
The trailers will soon hit the road

Yes the fair's moving on
And I'll soon be gone
Remember the love that we had
Yes the fair's moving on
But I won't leave you long
I'm coming back so please don't be sad

At dawn I'll be gone but I'll soon return
Till then the fair's moving on
Till then the fair's moving on
Till then the fair's moving on
Till then the fair's moving on

564. "The first Noel" do Disco "Elvis sings the Wonderfull World of Christmas"
(Tradicional, arranjado por Elvis Presley)

The first Noel the angels did sing
Was to certain poor shepherds
In fields as they lay
In fields fields where they lay keeping their sheep
On a cold winter's night that was so deep

Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Born is the king of Israel

And to the Earth it gave great light
And so it continued both day and night
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Born is the king of Israel
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Born is the king of Israel

565. "The first time ever I saw your face" - Single
(Ewan MacColl)

The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes
And the moon and stars were the gifts you gave
To the dark and the empty skies my love
To the dark and the empty skies

The first time ever I kissed your mouth
I felt the earth move in my hands
Like a trembling heart of a captive bird
That was there at my command my love
That was there at my command

Hoa hoa hoa oh oh oh oh oh oh
Woh oh oh oh hoa hoa hoa
Oh hoa hoa hoa hoa hoa hoa
That was there at my command my love
That was there at my command

The first time ever I kissed your mouth
I felt the earth move in my hands
Like a trembling heart of a captive bird
That was there at my command my love
That was there at my command

Hoa hoa hoa oh oh oh oh oh oh
Woh oh oh oh hoa hoa hoa
Oh hoa hoa hoa hoa hoa hoa
That was there at my command my love
That was there at my command

566. "The Fool" do Disco "Elvis Country"
(Naomi Ford)

Gather round me buddy, raise your glasses high
And drink to a fool, a crazy fool
Who told his baby goodbye
Too late he found he loved her so much he wants to die

So drink to a fool, a crazy fool
Who told his baby goodbye
He needs her, he needs her so
He wonders why he let her go

She's found, she's found, she's found
A new love buddy, he's a lucky guy
So drink to a fool, a crazy fool
Who told his baby goodbye

567. "The girl I never loved" do Filme "O Barco do Amor"
(Randy Starr)

The girl I never loved
Will never know I cared
And all my dreams of her
Are dreams I'll never share
For I want her and I need her
And I know it might have been
But it ended long before it could begin

The kiss I never got
Somebody else will take
The plans I never made
Somebody else will make
Oh I'm lonely, I'm so lonely
'Cause it's her I'm thinking of
But she'll always be the girl I never loved
Never loved, never loved

568. "The girl of my best friend" do Disco "Elvis Is Back!"
(Beverly Ross - Sam Bobrick)

The way she walks,
The way she talks
How long can I pretend
Oh I can't help I'm in love
With the girl of my best friend

Her lovely hair,
Her skin so fair
I could go on and never end
Oh, I can't help I'm in love
With the girl of my best friend

I want to tell her
How I love her so
And hold her in my arms, but then
What if she got real mad and told him so
I could never face either one again

The way they kiss
Their happiness
Will my ache-in' ever end
Or will I always be in love
With the girl of my best friend?

Never end,
Will it ever end?
Please let it end

569. "The impossible dream" do Disco "Madison Square Garden"

To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear the unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go

To write the unwritable wrong
To be better far than you are
To try when your arms are too weary
The reach the unreachable star

This is my quest, to follow that star
No matter how hopeless,
No matter how far
To fight for the right
Whithout question or pause
To be willing to march into hell
For a heavenly cause

And I know if I'll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will be peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest

And the world would be better for this
That one man scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star

570. "The lady loves me" do Filme "Amor a Toda Velocidade"
(Dueto com Ann-Margret)
(Tepper - Bennett)

She loves me, she loves me not
She loves me, she loves me not
She loves me, she loves me, she loves me
The lady loves me and it shows
In spite of the way she turns up her nose
I'm her ideal, her hearts desire
Under that ice she's burning like fire
She'd like to cuddle up to me
She's playing hard to get
The lady loves me, but she doesn't know it yet

The gentleman has savoir-faire
As much as an elephant or a bear
I'd like to take him for a spin
Back to the zoo to visit his kin
He's got about as much appeal as a soggy cigarette
The lady loathes him but he doesn't know it yet

The lady's got a crush on me
The gentleman's crazy obviously
The lady's dying to be kissed
The gentleman needs a psychiatrist
I'd rather kiss a rattlesnake
Or play Russian roulette
The lady loves me, but she doesn't know it yet

She's falling fast she's on the skids
Both of his heads are flipping their lids
Tonight she'll hold me in her arms
I'd rather be holding hydrogen bombs
Will someone tell this Romeo
I'm not his Juliet
The lady loves me, but she doesn't know it yet

She wants me
Like poison ivy
Needs me
Like a hole in the head
Everyone can see she's got it bad
He's mad!
The gentleman is an egotist
I'm simply aware I'm hard to resist
He's one man I could learn to hate
How's about having dinner at eight
I'd rather dine with Frankenstein
In a moonlight tete-a-tete
The lady loves me, but she doesn't know it yet

Oh yes she loves me
Dig that shrinking violet
Oh she really loves me
Here's one gal you'll never get
She lo- lo- loves me
Would you like to make a bet
I said the lady loves me
The gentleman's all wet

571. "The last farewell" do Disco "From Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, Tennessee"
(Roger Whittaker - R.A. Webster)

There's a ship lies rigged and ready in the harbor
Tomorrow for old England she sails
Far away from your land of endless sunshine
To my land full of rainy skies and gales
And I shall be aboard that ship tomorrow
Though my heart is full of tears at this farewell

For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell
For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell

I've heard there's a wicked war a-blazing
And the taste of war I know so very well
Even now I see the foreign flag a-raising
Their guns on fire as we sail into hell
I have no fear of death, it brings no sorrow
But how bitter will be this last farewell

For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell
For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell

Though death and darkness gather all about me
My ship be torn apart upon the seas
I shall smell again the fragrance of these islands
And the heaving waves that brought me once to thee
And should I return home safe again to England
I shall watch the English mist roll through the dale

For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell
For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell

572. "The Lord's prayer"

Our Father, Who Art in Heaven
Hallowed be, Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be Done
On earth, as it is, in Heaven

Give us this day, our daily bread
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from evil
For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory forever

573. "The love machine" do Filme "Meu Tesouro é Você"
(Nelson - Burch - Taylor)

Step right up to the love machine
You may get lucky when you zap a dream
Let the wheel go round, round and round
You may win that girl you've never found

She may be Suzy or Maybelline
She could be Cathy or Angeline
Let the wheel go round, round and round
Try your luck right now on the love machine

We're just a bunch of salty sailors
One thing on our mind
Takin' a chance on this machine
Maybe love we'll find
She maybe tall she maybe short
She may be wide
But Lady Luck stop that wheel
On 38-24-35
Step up, whose next in line
This love machine don't waste no time

Let the wheel go round, round and round
What will your fortune be on the love machine
All right

We're just a bunch of salty sailors
One thing on our mind
Takin' a chance on this machine
Maybe love we'll find
She maybe tall she maybe short
She may be wide
But Lady Luck stop that wheel
On 38-24-35
Step up, whose next in line
This love machine don't waste no time

Let the wheel go round and round and round
And round and round and round and round
What will your fortune be on the love machine

What will your fortune be on the love machine

574. "The meanest girl in town" do Filme "Louco por Garotas"
(J. Byers)

She'll tell you that she loves you, make you feel just like a kid
She'll cry to you and lie to you, she'll do 'most anything
She'll get right up next to you and the first thing that you know
You'll be telling her you're sorry because she hurt you so
I said she's evil the most evil girl I've found
There ain't no doubt about it, she's the meanest girl in town

She'll invite you over to her house at half past nine
You'll wear a suit, you'll wear a tie and you'll give your shoes a shine
You'll take a real deep breath and knock on her front door
Her little sister will tell you "She don't live here anymore"
I said she's evil the most evil girl I've found
There ain't no doubt about it, she's the meanest girl in town

And there ain't no doubt about it, she's the meanest girl in town

She'll put her arms around you and squeeze with all her might
She'll breathe a sigh and pucker her lips and pull your arms real tight
Your heart will pound like thunder, you'll melt in her embrace
But when you go to kiss her well she'll laugh right in your face
Because she's evil the most evil girl I've found
There ain't no doubt about it, she's the meanest girl in town

575. "The next step is love" do Disco "That's The Way It Is"
(Evans - Parnes)

Yesterday, I slipped away
The sun is welcoming the evening shadows
On a perfect day and the next step is love
The next step is love

We walked barefoot through the misty meadows
Laughing at each other in the rain
Made some faces at some people in the park
Didn't bother to explain
Fun, fun, look at us run
Going nowhere special really fast
But we've yet to taste the icing on the cake
That we've been baking with the past

And the next step is love
So what are we waiting for?
The next step is love
Girl, it's for sure

Love will be a place to run to
From the world they've built to you and me
We'll be closer than we've ever been
Though looking back it's so hard to believe
Hang it all out or bring it all in
The best we've picked upon the way tonight
Changes are coming but together
We can make it through somehow

Yes the next step is love

576. "There ain't nothing like a song" do Filme "O Bacana do Volante"
(Byers - Johnston)

When you say that's it boy
I'm finally beat
You're goin' ninety miles an hour
Down a dead end street

You don't want to fight no more
You think that you can't win
Come on boy take a real deep breath
Jump right in and

Hold your head up high
Oh you gotta be strong
Come on and sing, sing, sing
There ain't nothing like a song

Now they may take away your job
Take your fancy car
They may repossess your clothes, take that fine guitar
They may take everything you own
Well that's just for today
As long as you've got a song in your heart
Tomorrow's gonna be O.K.

Hold your head up high
Oh you gotta be strong
Come on and sing, sing, sing
There ain't nothing like a song
All right

There ain't nothing gonna stop you
Once you've set your mind
The only people gonna knock you
Are jealous of what they find
Just keep a smile right on your face
Don't let 'em get you down
When you wake up tomorrow
The world is spinnin' round

Hold your head up high, hey, hey, hey
You gotta be strong, all right
Come on and sing, sing, sing
There ain't nothing like a song

Well lovin's all that I can give you
(Baby that's enough)
You ain't easy to satisfy
(Baby I ain't that tough)
Now hey little girl you're about the wildest
Thing I've ever seen
(When I'm with you baby I'm a lovin' machine)
Come on and kiss me honey
Oh you gotta be strong
Come on and sing, sing
There ain't nothing like a song
Come on and sing, (sing) sing
(sing) sing, (sing) sing
There ain't nothing like a song

577. "There goes my everything" do Disco "Elvis Country"
(Dallas Frazier)

There goes my only possession
There goes my everything

I hear footsteps slowly walking
As they gently walk across the lonely floor
And a voice is softly saying
Darling this will be goodbye for evermore

There goes my reason for living
There goes the one of my dreams
There goes my only possession
There goes my everything

As my memory turns back the pages
I can see the happy years we’ve had before
Now the love that kept this heart beating
Has been shattered by the closing of the door

578. "There is no God but God" do Disco "He Touched Me"
(Bill Kenny)

There is no God, but God,
I know this is true
God made everything,
He made me, He made you
There'd be no birds,
No planes to sail in the blue
Without his wondrous eyes
To see them through

They say God made land
And He gave it all to man
Yes I know He's mighty good and true
There is no God, but God
And He knows everything to do
So just you call on Him
And He will share His love with you

There is no God, but God
I know this is true
For God made everything,
He made me, He made you

There'd be no birds,
No planes to sail in the blue
Without his wondrous eyes
To see them through

They say God made land
And He gave it all to man
This I know is mighty, good and true
There is no God, but God

And He knows everything to do
So just you call on Him
And He will share His love with you

579. "There is so much world to see" do Filme "Canções e Confusões"
(Wayne - Weisman)

Baby it's wrong wrong as can be
To try and tie guy like me
I could never settle down in a little sleepy town
There's so much world to see

Sure would be happy for a while
But then we'd have to part
When tears replace your loving smile
Well I don't want to be the guy who has to break your heart
So here's where it ends
Not lovers but friends
Though your lips are tempting me
Maybe I'm a fool and yet
This wanderer just can't forget
There's so much world to see

Sure would be happy for a while
But then we'd have to part
When tears replace your loving smile
Well I don't want to be the guy who has to break your heart
So here's where it ends
Not lovers but friends
Though your lips are tempting me
Maybe I'm a fool and yet
This wanderer just can't forget
There's so much world to see
For me, there's so much world to see
Yeah! yeah! Mmm

580. "There's a brand new day on the horizon" do Filme "O Carrossel de Emoções"
(J. Byers)

There's a brand new day on the horizon
Everything's gonna be just fine
There's a brand new day on the horizon
And the whole world's gonna be mine

I'm gonna tell old trouble, he'd better be moving on
Happiness is going to take his place around here from now on
The old dark clouds are gonna roll away
The sun is gonna shine
And the whole world's gonna be mine

I'm gonna tell old heartaches, pack his bags and go
I've decided that I don't want him hanging around no more
Don't you know I said everything's gonna be just fine
'Cause the whole world's gonna be mine

I'm gonna chase away old problems till they're out of sight
And I guarantee you honey they won't be coming back
Well don't you know I said everything's gonna be all right
'Cause the whole world's gonna be mine

I know my luck's gonna change, just you wait and see
Startin' tomorrow only good things in life are going to come to me
There's a brand new day on the horizon
And the whole world's gonna be mine
And the whole world's gonna be mine

581. "There's a honky tonk angel (who'll take me back in)" do Disco "Promised Land"
(T. Seals / D. Rice)

When was the last time you kissed me
And I don't mean a touch now and then
It's been a long time since you felt like my woman
And even longer since I felt like your man

So tell me if you think it's over
And I'll leave it up to you how it ends
'Cause if you don't want the love I can give you
Well there's a honky tonk angel who will take me back in

You never look at me and say "I love you"
How much more do you think I can stand
Oh, there's an old friend out there and she's waiting
Lord she's happy just holding my hand

So tell me if you think it's over
And I'll leave it up to you how it ends
'Cause if you don't want the love I can give you
Well there's a honky tonk angel who will take me back in
Yes, there's a honky tonk angel who will take me back in

582. "There's always me" do Disco "Something for Everybody"
(Don Robertson)

When the evening shadows fall,
And you're wond'ring who to call
For a little company
There's always me

Or if your great romance should end,
And you're lonesome for a friend
Darling, you need never be
There's always me

I don't seem to mind somehow
Playing second fiddle now
Someday you'll want me, dear,
and when that day is here,
Within my arms you'll come to know
Other loves may come and go
But my love for you will be eternally
Look around and you will see
There's always me.

583. "There's gold in the mountains" do Filme "Com Caipira não se Brinca"
(Giant - Baum - Kaye)

There are lots of girls in the mountains
And they're worth their weight in gold
When they're in my arms with their lovin' charms
A treasure chest I hold

Well there's gold in the mountains, love in the hills
I don't need no city women with their diamonds and frills
There's gold in the mountains and oh what scenery
The prettiest girls I ever did see

There's such beauty there in the mountains
You can feel your knees growin' weak
Every single boy feels the height of joy
When he climbs that mountain peak

Well there's gold in the mountains, love in the hills
I don't need no city women with their diamonds and frills
There's gold in the mountains and oh what scenery
The prettiest girls I ever did see

I said there's gold in the mountains, love in the hills
I don't need no city women with their diamonds and frills
There's gold in the mountains and oh what scenery
The prettiest girls I ever did see
I ever did see
I ever did see

584. "There's no place like home"

There's no place like home
Well I say now home, home sweet home
There's no place like home
Wherever you wander
There's no place like home

Well I used to have a sweetheart
To walk and talk with me
But now I have no sweetheart
What pleasure do I see

There's no place like home
Well I say now home, home sweet home
There's no place like home
Wherever you wander
There's no place like home

There's no place like home

585. "The sound of your cry" - Single
(Giant - Baum - Kaye)

The clock by the bed is ticking too loud in the quiet night
I lie in the darkness thinking I must go before it's light
Before you open up your eyes and you beg me to stay
I'll leave 'cause I can't stand to see you hurt this way
Sleep my love as I kiss you goodbye
Then I won't hear the sound of your cry

Though I knew the time was coming and our love would end somehow
I just couldn't bear to tell you exactly just when or how
I know we can't go on, that it was wrong to start
But if you wake up crying now, you know you'll break my heart
Sleep my love as I kiss you goodbye
Then I won't hear the sound of your cry

Sleep my love as I kiss you goodbye
Then I won't hear the sound of your cry

Ohhhh, Sleep my love as I kiss you, kiss you, kiss you goodbye
Then I won't hear the sound of your cry

Ohhhh, Sleep my love as I kiss you

586. "The twelfth of never"
(Livingstone - Webster)

You ask how much I need you
Must I explain
I need you oh my darling
Like roses need rain

You ask how long I'll love you
I'll tell you true
Until the twelfth of never I'll still be loving you

Hold me close
Never let me go
Hold me close
Melt my heart like April snow

I'll love you 'till the blue bells forget to bloom
I'll love you 'till the clover has lost its perfume
I'll love you 'till the poets run out of rhyme

Oh, until the twelfth of never
And that's a long long time
Until the twelfth of never
And that's a long long time

587. "The walls have ears" do Filme "Garotas, Garotas e mais Garotas"
(Bennett - Tepper)

The walls have ears, ears that hear each little sound you make
Every time you stamp through a lamp and every cup and dish you break

But they can't hear a kiss or two arms that hold you tight
So come on baby, don't fight tonight

The walls have ears, better think before you fling that shoe
If you part my hair with a chair, they'll spread the news to Timbuktu

But they can't hear a kiss or two arms that hold you tight
So come on baby, don't fight tonight

Jets can fly, fast and high, rockets can go even faster
But they can't catch or even match sound traveling through plaster

The walls have ears, ears that hear each little sound you make
Every time you stamp through a lamp and every cup and dish you break

But they can't hear a kiss or two arms that hold you tight
So come on baby, don't fight tonight
Just in tonight
Don't fight tonight

588. "The whiffenpoof song"
(Galloway - Minnigerode - Pomeroy)

Gentleman songsters off on a spree
Doomed from here to eternity
Lord have mercy on such as we
Baa Baa Baa

589. "The wonderful world of Christmas" do Disco "Elvis sings The Wonderful World of Christmas"
(Charles Tobias - Al Frisch)

The wonderful world of Christmas
Is a wonderful world to behold
The wonderful world of Christmas
Was made for the young and the old

Smile and good cheer of each neighbor
And children with cheeks all aglow
So warm is this Christmassy feeling
With the tree tops all locked up with snow

Listen to those wondrous bells
And you'll hear them say
Open up your hearts to all on this holy day
The wonderful world of Christmas
Is a joy from the moment it starts
The wonderful world of Christmas
Shall remain everyday in our hearts

590. "The wonder of you" do Disco "On Stage - February 1970"
(Baker Knight)

When no-one else can understand me
When everything I do is wrong
You give me hope and consolation
You give me strength to carry on

And you're always there to lend a hand
In everything I do
That's the wonder
The wonder of you

And when you smile the world is brighter
You touch my hand and I'm a king
Your kiss to me is worth a fortune
Your love for me is everything

I'll guess I'll never know the reason why
You love me like you do
That's the wonder
The wonder of you

591. "The yellow rose of Texas / The eyes of Texas" do Filme "Amor a toda Velocidade"
(Wise - Starr / Lance - Sinclair)

Oh the yellow rose of Texas is the only girl I love
Her eyes are even bluer than Texas skies above
Her heart's as big as Texas and wherever I may go
I'll remember her forever because I love her so

There are so many roses that bloom along the way
But my heart's in Amarillo and that's where it will stay
With the yellow rose of Texas so I'd better get there fast
'Cause I know I was her first love and I want to be her last

Oh the yellow rose of Texas is the only girl I love
Her eyes are even bluer than Texas skies above
Her heart's as big as Texas and wherever I may go
I'll remember her forever because I love her so

The eyes of Texas are upon you all the live long day
The eyes of Texas are upon you, you cannot get away
Do not think you can escape them at night or early in the morn
The eyes of Texas are upon you 'till Gabriel blows his horn

The eyes of Texas are upon you all the live long day
The eyes of Texas are upon you, you cannot get away
Do not think you can escape them at night or early in the morn
The eyes of Texas are upon you 'till Gabriel blows his horn

The eyes of Texas are upon you all the live long day
The eyes of Texas are upon you, you cannot get away
Do not think you can escape them at night or early in the morn
The eyes of Texas are upon you 'till Gabriel blows his horn

592. "They remind me too much of you" do Filme "Loiras, Ruivas e Morenas"
(Don Robertson)

Take away, the scent of flowers
Cover up, the sky of blue
Close my ears to tender love songs
They remind me too much of you

Hide young lovers' warm embraces
Keep stars and moonlight from my view
Let me forget, there are such places
They remind me too much of you

Must I evermore be haunted?
Day after day, my whole life through
By the memory of each moment
That I spent alone with you

If these lovely things don't hurt you
Our love just wasn't meant to be
But please come back to me, my darling

If they remind you, too much of me

593. "Thinking about you" do Disco "Promised Land"
(Tim Baty)

I woke up this morning and I tried to call you, mmm
But you weren't there and that put me in despair
So I thought that maybe I could lose my mind
In the countryside so I went for a ride

But I never stopped thinking about you
Found myself wishing you were there
Just to be with me, feel the breeze
Sun didn't smile I didn't care

I decided to try just one more time
To let you know I really love you so
Before I arrived I saw you go away
With another guy, a tear filled my eye

But I never stopped thinking about you
Found myself wishing you were there
Just to be with me, feel the breeze
Sun didn't smile I didn't care

A long time has past since that day I cried
Life is fine and I'm doin' fine
When I'm at home and I feel all alone
Well I think of you, try to get a message through

But I never stopped thinking about you
Found myself wishing you were there
Just to be with me, feel the breeze
Sun didn't smile I didn't care

594. "This is living" do Filme "Talhado para Campeão"
(Weisman - Wise)

This is living, full of fun and free
This is living, that's the life for me

It's good to laugh and sing, don't worry about a thing
Wear a happy smile, cut loose and run a mile
If you relax and just enjoy it all, life has got to be a ball

This is living, full of fun and free
This is living, that's the life for me

It wouldn't mean a thing
If I could be a king
I really wouldn't care
To be a millionaire
I'd rather find someone to love a lot
Live and give it all I've got

This is living, full of fun and free
This is living, that's the life for me

Don't wanna settle down
I gotta move around
I gotta lot of time
I'm gonna wait and find
The kinda girl who's heart is restless too
The kind who feels the way I do

This is living, full of fun and free
This is living, that's the life for me

595. "This is my heaven" do Filme "No Paraíso do Havaí"
(Giant - Baum - Kaye)

This is my heaven
Being here with you
Make it last forever
This is my heaven
It's a dream come true
Make it last forever
Come to me now
And take my hand
This is the paradise I plan
You're like an angel
Sent from up above
Let's stay close together
You brought me heaven
When I shared your love
Make it last forever
Here 'neath the sky beside the sea
This is my heaven
When you come to me

Compilação: Pablo Aluísio.

quarta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2010

Elvis Presley - Letras das músicas de A a Z - Parte 20

Letra S - Parte 2 (de "Solitaire" a "Sylvia")

516. "Solitaire" do Disco "From Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, Tennessee"
(Neil Sedaka - Justin Cody)

There was a man, a lonely man
Who lost his love, thru his indifference
A heart that cared that went unshared
Until it died within his silence

And solitaire is the only game in town
And every road that takes him, takes him down
While life goes on around him everywhere
He's playing solitaire

And keeping to himself, begins to deal
And still the king of hearts is well concealed
Another losing games comes to an end
And deals them out again

A little hope goes up in smoke
Just how it goes, goes without saying
There was a man, a lonely man
Who would command the hand he's playing

And solitaire is the only game in town
And every road that takes him, takes him down
While life goes on around him everywhere
He's playing solitaire

And keeping to himself, begins to deal
And still the king of hearts is well concealed
Another losing games comes to an end
And deals them out again

And solitaire is the only game in town
And every road that takes him, takes him down
While life goes on around him everywhere
He's playing solitaire

517. "Somebody bigger than you and I" do Disco "How Great Thou Art"
(Lange - Heath - Burke)

Who made the mountains, who made the trees
Who made the rivers flow to the sea
And who sends the rain when the earth is dry
Somebody bigger than you and I

Who made the flowers to bloom in the spring
Who made the song for the robins to sing
And who hung the moon and the stars in the sky
Somebody bigger than you and I

He lights the way when the road is long
He keeps you company
And with His love to guide you
He walks beside you
Just like He walks with me

When we’re filled with despair
Who gives me courage to go from there
And who gives me faith that will never die
Somebody bigger than you and I

518. "Something" do Disco "Aloha From Hawaii"
(George Harrison)

Something in the way she moves
Attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way she moves me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how

Somewhere in her smile she knows
All I gotta do is think of her
Something in her style that shows me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how

You're asking me will our love grow
I don't know, I don't know
You stick around and it may show
I don't know, I don't know

Something in the way she moves
Attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way she moves me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how

You're asking me will our love grow
I don't know, I don't know
You stick around and it may show
I don't know, I don't know

Something in the way she moves
All I gotta do is think of her
Something in her style that shows me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how

519. "Something blue" do Disco "Pot Luck"
(Evans - Byron)

Something old, the time goes buy
Something new, these tears I cry
Something borrowed were those lips my lips knew
And that's why I'm something blue

Something old, the vows we made
Something new, the price I paid
Something borrowed, love was tried but not true
Now my life is something blue

I guess that I had better smile
Walking behind you down the aisle
I feel I'm walking to my doom
I'm really not the best man in this room

Something old, the dreams we planned
Something new, his wedding band
Something borrowed was the heart I gave you
You returned it torn in two

Something old, the dreams we planned
Something new, his wedding band
Something borrowed was the heart I gave you
You returned it torn in two

And that's why,
And that's why I'm something blue

520. "Song of the shrimp" do Filme "Garotas, Garotas e mais Garotas"
(Bennett - Tepper)

I saw three shrimp in the water, two were old and gray
I swam a little bit closer and .. I heard the third one say

Goodbye mama shrimp, papa shake my hand
Here come the shrimper for to take me to Louisian'
Here come the shrimper for to take me to Louisian'

He showed his mama and papa, the shrimp newspaper he read
An invitation to all the shrimp and this is what it said
Free ride, New Orleans, stay in grand hotel
Big Creole gal who help you come out of your shell
Big Creole gal who help you come out of your shell

If I should live to be ninety, I will never forget
The little shrimp and the song he sang as he jumped into the net

Goodbye mama shrimp, papa shake my hand
Here come the shrimper for to take me to Louisian'
Here come the shrimper for to take me to Louisian'

Here come the shrimper for to take me to Louisian'
Here come the shrimper for to take me to Louisian'
Here come the shrimper for to take me to Louisian'

521. "Sound advice" do Disco "Elvis For Everyone"
(Baum - Giant)

Some folks tell you what to do
They think they know more than you
They insist that they're givin' sound advice
But as sure as you're livin'
It ain't sound, it ain't nice
It just doesn't sound like sound advice

Some folks like to be the boss
They get up on their high horse
Oh they say that you're gettin, sound advice
There one thing I'm bettin'
It ain't wise, it ain't nice
You won't like the sound of their advice

Sound advice we're given
Just as sure as your as you're livin'
If your smart you'll think twice
When they start to sound off with advice

Sound advice we're given
Just as sure as your as you're livin'
If your smart you'll think twice
When they start to sound off with advice
Don't listen to their sound advice

522. "Spanish eyes"
(B. Kaemfert - C. Singleton - E. Snyder)

Blue Spanish eyes teardrops are falling from your Spanish eyes
Please please don't cry, this is just adios and not good-bye
Soon I'll return, bringing you all the love your heart can hold
Please say "Si Si" say you and your Spanish eyes will wait for me

Soon I'll return, bringing you all the love your heart can hold
Please say "Si Si" say you and your Spanish eyes will wait for me
Say you and your Spanish eyes will wait for me

523. "Speedway" do Filme "O Bacana do Volante"
(Glazer - Schlaks)

Take a ton of bolt and steel
A whole lotta sweat, a set of wheels
On the Speedway
The flag is down, pistons pound
Plenty of engines ripping around .. on the Speedway

Go for the money and lead the pack
Push the throttle and burn the track
Curl and swirl like you doin' a dance
Speedway's comin' and now's your chance
On the Speedway, on the Speedway, on the Speedway

Stoke that pedal down to the floor
As much as you give, crowd wants more
More, more, more, more, more on the Speedway
On the Speedway

Take a spin, hit the brakes
A young little girl .. shivers and shakes
On the Speedway
Clear the way, comin' through
Kiss from your baby just pushin' you
On the Speedway

Go for the money and lead the pack
Push the throttle and burn the track
Curl and swirl like you doin' a dance
Speedway's comin' and now's your chance
On the Speedway, on the Speedway, on the Speedway

Stoke that pedal down to the floor
As much as you give, crowd wants more
More, more, more, more, more on the Speedway
On the Speedway
On the Speedway, on the Speedway, on the Speedway
On the Speedway, on the Speedway, on the Speedway
On the Speedway, on the Speedway

524. "Spinout" do Filme "Minhas Três Noivas"
(Wayne - Weisman - Fuller)

When her motor's warm, and she's purrin' sweet
Buddy let me warn ya', you're on a one-way street
She'll crowd ya' close, spin your wheels
Then you're gonna know how it feels
To spinout..spinout

Better watch those curves, never let her steer
If she can shake your nerves..boy
She can strip your gears
She'll get your heart, goin' fast
Then she'll let you run out of gas
So spinout...spinout

The road to love is full of, danger signs
Too many guys were lost
Who crossed those double lines

Doncha know she's out to prove, she can really score
Never saw parts move, boy
Like that before
To flag you down, that's her goal
Scoot before you lose control
And spinout...spinout!!

525. "Spring fever" do Filme "Louco por Garotas"
(Giant - Baum - Kaye)

A little bird, he told me so
He said come on, get on the go
Open your eyes the sky is full of butterflies
The blossoms on the trees stir up the honey bees
Spring makes my fever right

Spring fever, Spring is here at last
Spring fever, my heart's beating fast
Get up, get out spring is everywhere

Well if you feel the wanderlust
Just grab a car or hop a bus
In every town there's excitement to be found
So much is happening
Don't miss the joy of spring
The world's in love just look around

Spring fever comes to everyone
Spring fever, it's time for fun
Get up, get out spring is everywhere

Spring fever, it's Spring fever time
Spring fever, watch that fever climb
Get up, get out spring is everywhere

Spring is everywhere

526. "Stand by me" do Disco "How Great Thou Art"
(Tradicional - arranjado por Elvis Presley)

When the storms of life are raging
Stand by me
When the storms of life are raging
Stand by me
When the world is tossing me
Like a ship out on the sea
Thou who rulest when wanted
Stand by me

When I’m growing old and feeble
Stand by me
When I’m growing old and feeble
Stand by me
When I do the best I can
And my friends misunderstand
Thou who never lost a battle
Stand by me
Thou who never lost a battle
Stand by me

527. "Starting today" do Disco "Something for Everybody"

Starting today
I'm teaching my heart
Not to ache anymore
Just 'cause we're apart

No more will I dream
Of your sweet loving ways
Gonna learn to forget you
Starting today

And when memories haunt me
And the tears starts to flow
I'll just think of the sorrow
You caused me to know

No more for the past
To return will I pray
Gonna live for tomorrow
Starting today
Starting today

528. "Startin' tonight"
(Rosenblatt - Milrose)

Michigan State, Comity
Harvard University
Vassa, Wilbur Smith and Brown
Shakin' up this here town tonight
Startin' tonight
Have a ball do it all startin' tonight

Grab your partner by the hand,
Spread a blanket on the sand
Three a.m. go for a swim
Clothes and all jump right in
Tonight, startin' tonight
Let out the stops, call the cops, it's all right

'Course when the cops have come and gone
You'll just keep carrying on
Don't you worry if you land in jail
We'll forward your mail if you can't make bail
Tonight, startin' tonight
Have a ball do it all startin' tonight
Anything goes, everything goes, startin' tonight
Startin' tonight.

529. "Stay away Joe" do Filme "Joe é Muito vivo"
(Weisman - Wayne)

Ho jump down, spin around, let's have a party
Look who's back, Stay Away Joe
Chock taw, chick a Shaw, gonna drink me hearty
Welcome back, Stay Away Joe

Stay Away Joe they call me
Stay Away Joe oh yeah!
But if you need me call me
Hoop and a holler and I'll be there

Who keeps turnin' up like a bad penny
Take one guess, Stay Away Joe
Always findin' trouble a-plenty
Oh my yes, I reckon you know

Stay Away Joe they call me
Stay Away Joe oh yeah!
But if you need me call me
Hoop and a holler and I'll be there

When two lips are right for the pickin'
Who crops up
I love them and leave them screamin' 'n kickin'
Giddy up look at him look at him go

Stay Away Joe they call me
Stay Away Joe oh yeah!
But if you need me call me
Hoop and a holler and I'll be there

530. "Stay away"
(Tepper - Bennett)

Ten thousand miles even though I roam
I can hear the call of the hills of home
The canyons high and the valleys low
Echo "How can you stay away"

My dreams are there where the eagle flies
Where the mountain tops seem to touch the sky
The winding streams and the winds that blow
Ask me "How can you stay away"

Far too long have I stayed apart
From this land that I love and divide my heart
Now, now I know I must go
Where the hills say "Don't stay away"
Where the hills say "Don't stay away"

531. "Steadfast, loyal and true" do Filme "Balada Sangrenta"
(Leiber - Stoller)

Farewell, Royal High School,
We'll remember you.
Dear alma mater,
We're steadfast, loyal, and true.

As we go onward
In the lives we lead.
Your light will guide us,
Your motto is our creed.

We will look back fondly
At your ivy walls,
Recalling precious moments
Within your hallowed halls.

Farewell, Royal High School,
We'll remember you.
Dear alma mater,
We're steadfast, loyal, and true.

532. "Steamroller blues" do Disco "Aloha From Hawaii"

I'm a steamroller baby
I'm 'bout to roll all over you
I'm a steamroller baby
I'm 'bout to roll all over you
I'm gonna inject your soul
With sweet rock'n'roll, poor heaven

I'm a cement mixer
A churning urn of burning funk
I'm a cement mixer
A churning urn of burning funk
A hefty hunk, steaming junk

I'm a steamroller baby
I'm 'bout to roll over you
I'm a steamroller baby
I'm 'bout to roll over you
I'm gonna inject your soul
With some sweet rock'n'roll
And shoot you full of rhythm and blues

I'm a napalm-bomb
Guaranteed to blow your mind
I'm a napalm-bomb
Guaranteed to blow your mind
If I can't have your love now baby
There won't be nothing left behind

533. "Steppin' out of line" do Filme "Feitiço Havaiano"
(Wise - Weisman - Fuller)

Listen, little lady,
You're steppin' out of line
What's your hurry baby,
You got a lot of time
That's not love you feel,
It's only make believe
Watch out, you'll break the heart
You're wearing on you sleeve

Cheating with your kisses
You think you know it all
Old worry gonna get you,
You're riding for a fall
Better slow it down,
I see a danger sign,
'Cause the way you're steppin' around
You're steppin' out of line
You're steppin' out of line

534. "Stop look and listen" do Filme "Minhas Três Noivas"
(Joy Byers)

When I was a little bitty boy
Sittin' on my papa's knee
I still remember every word my papa said to me
Now boy if you ever meet
A pretty woman walking down the street

You'd better
Stop real still, look both ways
Listen or you'll get in trouble

When you see her go struttin' by
Giving you that evil eye
And she's got a kind of dreamy look
Just enough to get you shook
Now boy don't you lose your head
You pay attention what your papa said

You'd better
Stop real still, look both ways
Listen or you'll get in trouble

All right !

She'll drive you crazy with the way she walks
She'll drive you crazy with the way she talks
And you'll think you're gonna lose your mind
'Cause that pretty woman looks so fine
And the very first thing you'll know
You'll be tellin' her you love her so

You'd better stop real still

535. "Stop where you are" do Filme "No Paraíso do havaí"
(Grant - Baum - Kaye)

Stop where you are
Don't move an inch
Don't come any closer now baby
You'll be in a pinch
Don't start what you can't finish
I warn you what's in store
If it's love you're looking to get
You're gonna get what you're looking for

Stop where you are
You'd better freeze
Don't pull the fire now baby
Don't be a tease
Don't start what you can't finish
I told you once before
If it's love you're looking to get
You're gonna get what you're looking for

Don't you know, you're walking on dangerous ground
Listen babe when I make love
I just don't fool around, no I don't
I just don't play around

Stop where you are
Just take it slow
Once I put my hands on you baby
I won't let you go
Don't start what you can't finish
One kiss and I want more
If it's love you're looking to get
You're gonna get what you're looking for

Stop where you are
Don't move an inch
Stop where you are
You're gonna be in a pinch
Stop where you are
You're gonna get what you're looking for

536. "Stranger in my own home town" do Disco "Back In Memphis"
(Percy Mayfield)

I'm like a stranger
Like a stranger in my own home town
I'm like a stranger
Like a stranger in my own home town

My so called friends stopped being friendly
Oh but you can't keep a good man down
Oh no, can't get him down

I came home with good intentions
About 5 or 6 years ago
I came home with good intentions
About 5 or 6 years ago

But my home town won't accept me
Just don't feel welcome here no more

My home town won't accept me
Just don't feel welcome here no more

I came home with good intentions
About 5 or 6 years ago, yes I did
I came home with good intentions
About 5 or 6 years ago
But my home town won't accept me
Just don't feel welcome here no more
I'm like a stranger, like a stranger in my own home town
Yeah, I'm like a stranger, like a stranger in my own home town
My so called friends stopped being friendly
Oh but you can't keep a good man down

I came home with good intentions
About 5 or 6 years ago, yes I did
I came home with good intentions
About 5 or 6 years ago
My so called friends stopped being friendly
Oh but you can't keep a good man down

I'm like a stranger, like a stranger in my own home town
I'm like a stranger, like a stranger in my own home town
My so called friends stopped being friendly
Oh but you can't keep a good man down

537. "Stranger in the crowd" do Disco "That's The Way It Is"
(Winfield Scott)

I've been standing on a corner
Since a quarter after seven
I was down to my last cigarette
And the clock in the window
At a quarter to eleven

I was watching all the people
Passing by me going places
Just the loneliest guy in the town
Looking for a friendly smile
But all I see were faces

And then, just like the taste of milk and honey
I found the stranger I've been looking for
Like a wave, my cup of love was overflowing
I knew the stranger in the crowd
And I would be stranger no more

The love that comes on the corner
At a quarter to eleven
I thought you were to good to be true
All my life I had believed
That angels only live in heaven
But now, we share the taste of milk and honey
Each day is sweeter than the day before

My cup runned overflowing
because the stranger in the crowd
And I would be stranger no more

Deep inside, my cup of love was overflowing
I found the stranger I've been looking for
Like a wave, my cup of love was overflowing
I knew the stranger in the crowd
And I would be stranger no more

538. "Stuck on you" do Disco "Elvis Golden Records vol.3"
(Aaron Schroeder - J. Leslie McFarland)

You can shake an apple off an apple tree
Shake-a, shake- sugar,
But you'll never shake me
No-sir-ee, uh, uh
I'm gonna stick like glue,
Stick because I'm
Stuck on you

Gonna run my fingers thru your long black hair
Squeeze you tighter than a grizzly bear
Yes-sir-ee, uh, uh
I'm gonna stick like glue
Stick, because I'm
Stuck on you

Hide in the kitchen, hide in the hall
Ain't gonna do you no good at all
'Cause once I catch ya and the kissin' starts
A team o' wild horses couldn't tear us apart

Try to take a tiger from his daddy's side
That's how love is gonna keep us tied
Yes-sir-ee, uh,uh
I'm gonna stick like glue
Stick, because I'm
Stuck on you

539. "Such a night" do Disco "Elvis Is Back!"
(Lincoln Chase)

It was a night oo-oo what a night
It was it really was such a night
The moon was bright oh how so bright
It was it really was such a night
The night was alight with stars above
Oo-oo when she kissed me
I had to fall in love

Oh it was a kiss oo-oo what a kiss
It was it really was such a kiss
Oh how she could kiss oh what a kiss
It was it really was such a kiss
Just the thought of her lips
Sets me afire
I reminisce and I’m filled with desire
But I’d gave my heart to her in sweet surrender
How well I remember, I’ll always remember

Oh, what a night oo-oo what a night
It was it really was such a night
Came the dawn and my heart and her love
And the night was gone
But I’ll never forget the kiss
The kiss in the moonlight
Oo-oo such a kiss, such a night

It was a night oo-oo what a night
It was it really was such a night
Came the dawn and my heart and her love
And the night was gone
But I’ll never forget the kiss
The kiss in the moonlight
How well I remember, I’ll always remember

That night oo-oo what a night
It was it really was such a night
When we kissed I had to fall in love
But I’d gave my heart to her in sweet surrender
How well I remember, I’ll always remember

Oh that night oo-oo what a night
It was it really was such a night
When we kissed I had to fall in love
Well she's gone, gone, gone
Yes she's gone, gone, gone
Came the dawn, dawn, dawn
And my love was gone
But before that dawn
Yes before that dawn and before that dawn
Oo-oo, oo-oo, oo-oo, oo-oo, oo-oo
Such a night

540. "Summer kisses, winter tears" do Disco "Elvis For Everyone"
(Wise - Weisman - Lloyd)

Summer kisses, Winter tears
That was what she gave to me
Never thought that I'd travel all alone
The trail of memories

Happy hours, lonely years
But I guess I can't complain
For I still recall the Summer sun
Through all the Winter rain

The fire of love, the fire of love
Can burn from afar
And nothing can light the dark of the night
Like a falling star
Summer kisses, Winter tears
Like the stars they fade away
Leaving me to spend my lonely nights
With dreams of yesterday

The fire of love, the fire of love
Can burn from afar
And nothing can light the dark of the night
Like a falling star
Summer kisses, Winter tears
Like the stars they fade away
Leaving me to spend my lonely nights
With dreams of yesterday

Leaving me to spend my lonely nights
With dreams of yesterday
Summer kisses, Winter tears

541. "Suppose" do Disco "Speedway"
(Dee - Goehring)

Suppose no rose would ever grow again
Suppose no brook would ever flow again
Suppose no star should ever glow again
Suppose you didn't love me

Suppose there were no bees or butterflies
Suppose no bird should ever cross the skies
Suppose the sun should never never rise
Suppose you didn't love me

It's impossible to imagine a world without a star
But imagining no you is more impossible, by far
Suppose the Springtime never should arrive
Suppose the tall green trees should not survive
Suppose I had no wish to be alive
Suppose you didn't love me

It's impossible to imagine a world without a star
But imagining no you is more impossible, by far
Suppose the Springtime never should arrive
Suppose the tall green trees should not survive
Suppose I had no wish to be alive
Suppose you didn't love me
Suppose you didn't love me

542. "Surrender" do Disco "Elvis Golden Records vol.3"
(Doc Pomus - Mort Shuman - E. De Curtus)

When we kiss my heart's on fire
Burning with a strange desire
And I know, each time I kiss you
That your heart's on fire too

So, my darling, please surrender
All your love so warm and tender
Let me hold you in my arms, dear
While the moon shines bright above

All the stars will tell the story
Of our love and all its glory
Let us take this night of magic
And make it a night of love

Won't you please surrender to me
Your lips, your arms, your heart, dear
Be mine forever
Be mine tonight

543. "Susan when she tried" do Disco "Elvis Today"
(Don Reid)

I got over Charlotte Thompson, Goldie Johnson,
Lord they done me wrong
I took it hard with Peggy Harper
She hurt me bad, but not for long
There's just one I remember
Makes me feel funny down inside
I'd trade 'em all for just one hour
Of Susan when she tried

No there's never been a woman
Who could make me weak inside
And give me what I needed
Like Susan when she tried

It gets worse in the summer
When the nights are hot and long
And it's bad in December
When they play those Christmas songs
So if you ask me and I don't tell you
Bet your sweet bottom dollar I lied
'Cause there's never been one better
Than Susan when she tried

544. "Suspicion" do Disco "Pot Luck"
(Doc Pomus - Mort Shuman)

Ev'rytime you kiss me
I’m still not certain that you love me
Ev'ry time you hold me
I’m still not certain that you care
Though you keep on saying
you really, really, really love me
do you speak the same words
To someone else when I’m not there

Suspicion torments my heart
Suspicion keeps us apart
Suspicion why torture me

Ev'rytime you call me
and tell me we should meet tomorrow
I can't help but think that
you're meeting someone else tonight
Why should our romance just
keep on causing me such sorrow?
Why am I so doubtful
whenever you're out of sight?

Darling, if you love me,
I beg you wait a little longer
Wait until I drive all
these foolish fears out of my mind
How I hope and pray that
our love will keep on growing stronger
Maybe I’m suspicious
'cause true love is so hard to find

545. "Suspicious minds" - Single
(Mark James)

We're caught in a trap
I can't walk out
Because I love you too much baby

Why can't you see
What you're doing to me
When you don't believe a word I say?

We can't go on together
With suspicious minds
And we can't build our dreams
On suspicious minds

So, if an old friend I know
Drops by to say hello
Would I still see suspicion in your eyes?

Here we go again
Asking where I've been
You can't see these tears are real
I'm crying

We can't go on together
With suspicious minds
And be can't build our dreams
On suspicious minds

Oh let our love survive
Or dry the tears from your eyes
Let's don't let a good thing die

When honey, you know
I've never lied to you
Mmm yeah, yeah

546. "Sweet Angeline" do Disco "Raised On Rock/For Old Times Sake"
(Arnold - Martin - Morrow)

Sweet Angeline I loved you much more than poets say in rhyme
Just for one short time

Sweet Angeline remember though we've not seen the summer through
I lived only for you
I'm only human and I realize it's no use trying to disguise
My love for you Angeline has ended
So let's be thankful now not sad
For the little love we've had

Sweet Angeline remember though we've not seen the summer through
I lived only for you
I'm only human and I realize it's no use trying to disguise
My love for you Angeline has ended
So let's be thankful now not sad
For the little love we've had

547. "Sweet Caroline" do Disco "On Stage - February 1970"
(Neil Diamond)

Where it began, I can't begin to know when
But then I know it's growing strong
Oh, wasn't the spring, whooo
And spring became the summer
Who'd believe you'd come along

Hands, touching hands, reaching out
Touching me, touching you
Oh, sweet Caroline
Good times never seem so good
I made him climb to believe it never would

And now I, I look at the night, whooo
And it don't seem so lonely
We fill it up with only two, oh
And when I hurt
Hurting runs off my shoulder
How can I hurt when holding you

Oh, one, touching one, reaching out
Touching me, touching you
Oh, sweet Caroline
Good times never seem so good
Oh I made him climb to believe it never would

Ohhh, sweet Caroline, good times never seem so good

548. "Swing down sweet chariot" do Disco "His Hand in Mine"
(Arranjado e adaptado por Elvis Presley)

Why don't you swing down sweet chariot
Stop and let me ride
Swing down chariot
Stop and let me ride
Rock me lord, rock me lord
Calm and easy
Well I’ve got a home on the other side

Why don't you swing down sweet chariot
Stop and let me ride
Swing down chariot
Stop and let me ride
Rock me lord, rock me lord
Calm and easy
Well I’ve got a home on the other side

Well, well, well, well, well, well

Ezekial went down in the middle of a field
He saw an angel workin' on a chariot wheel
Wasn't so particular 'bout the chariot wheel
Just wanted to see how a chariot feel

Why don't you swing down sweet chariot
Stop and let me ride
Swing down chariot
Stop and let me ride
Rock me lord, rock me lord
Calm and easy
Well I’ve got a home on the other side

Well, well, well Ezekial went down and he got on board
Chariot went a bumpin' on down the road
Zeke wasn't so particular 'bout the bumpin' of the road
Just wanted to lay down his heavy load

Why don't you swing down sweet chariot
Stop and let me ride
Swing down chariot
Stop and let me ride
Rock me lord, rock me lord
Calm and easy
Well I’ve got a home on the other side

Well I got a father in the promised land
Ain't no more stoppin' till I shake his hand
Rock me lord, rock me lord
Calm and easy
I've got a home on the other side

Why don't you swing down sweet chariot
Stop and let me ride
Swing down chariot
Stop and let me ride
Rock me lord, rock me lord
Calm and easy
Well I’ve got a home on the other side

549. "Sylvia" do Disco "Elvis Now"
(G. Stephens - L. Reed)

These long lonely evenings
Here I am on the phone
Wondering if she will call
She said she would write me
'Cause she knows I’m alone
But I hear nothing at all

I'm waiting for a word of love from Sylvia.
You think she'd never heard of love my Sylvia,
But when I’m with her Lord, I forgive her
'Cause she's more than the whole world to me
There's nothing like a word of love from Sylvia
The only one I’m thinking of is Sylvia
Feeling so sad now, I'll be so glad now
If I just had my Sylvia with me

That old weepin' willow
Seems to whisper her name
Why did she go away
The tears on my pillow
They're not hard to explain
There's nothing else I can say

I'm waiting for a word of love from Sylvia.
You think she'd never heard of love my Sylvia,
But when I’m with her Lord, I forgive her
'Cause she's more than the whole world to me
There's nothing in the world like Sylvia
The only one I’m thinking of is Sylvia
Feeling so sad now, I'll be so glad now
If I just had my Sylvia with me

Compilação: Pablo Aluísio.