terça-feira, 26 de outubro de 2010

Arquivo Elvis Presley (EPHP) - Parte 1

Arquivo Elvis Presley (EPHP) - Parte 1
Internet terá imagens inéditas de Elvis Presley - Dezembro de 2000
(LOS ANGELES) - Não há nenhum outro fã como um fã de Elvis Presley. Entre o site oficial do artista http://www.Elvis.com e uma simples busca no Yahoo, que revela a existência de outras quatro dezenas de sites sobre ele, a Internet revela as paixões que despertou durante sua vida. E mesmo depois da morte -- basta ver o site http://www.DeadElvis.com. E isso foi antes das descobertas de centenas de metros de negativos de filmes e 12 gravações de músicas nos arquivos da Warner Bros. Studios, há alguns anos. No material, estão imagens de um show promocional de 1970 e de Elvis ensaiando antes de uma apresentação em Las Vegas, na qual é visto fazendo palhaçadas com a banda TCB (Taking Care of Business). Essa filmagem será o ponto central de uma homenagem a Elvis que será feita na TV e na Internet. A rede de TV a cabo Turner Classic Movies (TCM) investiu 1 milhão de dólares na remasterização e edição do filme, intitulado "Elvis: Thats the Way It Is (Special Edition)", que vai ao ar em 15 de janeiro.

A partir de 1o. de dezembro, trechos do filme serão exibidos online. O site TurnerClassicMovies.com vai lançar uma página sobre o programa e o www.USAWeekend.com também terá clipes exclusivos do filme. O principal material online serão clipes das imagens redescobertas, entrevistas com amigos e integrantes da banda e os bastidores da restauração de "Thats the Way It Is." Um ex-parceiro de Elvis acredita que o filme mostrará um lado do cantor que poucos fãs conheciam. "O filme mostra uma real proximidade entre Elvis e a banda", disse James Burton, principal guitarrista que acompanhou Elvis Presley entre 1969 até a sua morte, em 1977, aos 42 anos (Elvis teria completado 65 em 8 de janeiro passado). "Éramos uma verdadeira união, que trabalhava muito junta. Ele dependia de nossa ajuda para tomar decisões." "Acho que os fãs vão amar o filme", diz Burton. "Ele mostra um lado mais pessoal. Ele era um palhaço e adorava se divertir. Mas, ao mesmo tempo, era muito sério sobre sua vida e sua música." Por Susan Karlin.

Seja um clone de Elvis enquanto é tempo - Dezembro de 2000
(LAS VEGAS) - Em 2019, o número de clones de Elvis Presley será tão grande que representará um terço da população mundial. Dá para acreditar? Isso faz parte de uma pesquisa que concluiu que o número de imitadores do Rei do Rock está meio fora de controle. Em agosto de 1977, quando ele morreu, havia apenas 150 pessoas imitando Elvis. Hoje em dia, esse número superou a marca de 85 mil. Estatisticamente, se este número continuar crescendo, em 2019, haverá três bilhões de Elvis circulando pelas ruas. O número foi levantado por Gordon Forbes, produtor de TV, que acabou de concluir um documentário sobre gente que se veste que nem Elvis.

Guitarras de heróis do Rock vão a leilão - Novembro de 2000
(LONDRES) - Uma companhia inglesa vai leiloar as guitarras de Jimi Hendrix e Elvis Presley, no próximo dia 29. A empresa espera arrecadar mais de 60 mil dólares por sessão. O mais interessante de tudo são as histórias que vêm junto com cada instrumento. A guitarra que pertenceu a Hendrix é a que ele teve que dar como pagamento de uma dívida, em 1970, poucos meses antes de sua morte. Já a de Elvis Presley é um modelo dos anos 50, usada durante os shows dos anos 70. Ele deu o instrumento para um fãs de Las Vegas e disse: "Agora você pode parar de brincar e aprender a tocar a minha guitarra. Ela me trouxe sorte, talvez funcione com você". Além destes itens, a companhia também vai pôr a leilão o contrato de edição da música "Happiness Is A Warm Gun", dos Beatles, assinado por John Lennon, e os óculos escuros que pertenceram a Bob Dylan.

Uniforme militar de Elvis Presley é colocado à venda - Novembro de 2000
LONDRES - A jaqueta do exército norte-americano pertencente à Elvis Presley, com uma mancha de tinta feita quando o cantor esbarrou numa janela recém-pintada, foi colocada à venda e pode alcançar 25.000 libras (36.000 dólares), disseram leiloeiros na segunda-feira. O uniforme foi usado pelo Rei do rock'n'roll quando ele estava na Alemanha. Durante a coletiva de imprensa ao chegar na Alemanha em outubro de 1958, Elvis encostou-se numa janela e manchou sua jaqueta com tinta fresca. Ele foi logo presenteado com um novo casaco e um dos pintores preservou a jaqueta manchada como lembrança. A jaqueta, agora de propriedade do fã britânico do cantor, Johnny Earle, é o principal item no leilão de quarta-feira em Londres pelos leiloeiros Bonhams e Brooks.

Rock da Flórida em exposição! - Novembro de 2000
(Londres) Preciosidades de Elvis Presley Tom Petty, Eric Clapton, Jim Morrison, Lynyrd Skynyrd e outras lendas do rock já estão confirmadas para a Follow That Dream: Florida's Rock and Roll Legends. A exibição, com inauguração marcada para o dia 3 de junho de 2001, ficará aberta para o público no Museum of Florida History, em Tallahassee. Se você estiver com viagem marcada para o States para essa época, não deixe de conferir ítens como o piano usado por Eric Clapton para compor "Laila", a porta do apartamento em que Jim Morrison (Doors) morou quando era estudante em Tallahassee, guitarras de Molly Hatchet, jeans de Tom Petty, um teclado da Allman Brothers Band e um traje que Elvis Presley usou durante uma apresentação na Flórida durante os anos 70 e parte de seu guarda roupa usado no filme "Follow That Dream" (Em cada Sonho um Amor) que ele filmou na Flórida em 1962.

Oasis em homenagem à Elvis Presley - Novembro de 2000
(Los Angeles) - O ator Johnny Depp já tinha passado por este problema, quando tatuou o nome de sua então namorada Wynona Ryder em seu corpo: vão-se os namoros e as tatuagens ficam. Liam Gallagher, vocalista do Oasis, acabou de aprender a lição. Logo depois do seu casamento com Patsy Kensit, ele mandou tatuar o nome de sua amada no seu braço. Agora que ela não é mais tão amada assim, ele teve que improvisar. Para cobrir a inscrição, ele usou um velho símbolo de Elvis Presley. Trata-se das iniciais TCB cortadas por um raio, o que significa "taking care of bussiness in a flash" (em português: dando conta do recado num instante). Ao lado do símbolo, estão as palavras "Faith" e "Spirit" (fé e coragem) e, logo abaixo, "discipline" (disciplina). Liam Gallagher resumiu tudo em uma frase: "Com Elvis não haverá problema, pois ele sempre será o maior, para sempre".

Elvis: Rei do rock e dos calendários - Novembro de 2000
(New York) - Só o título de rei do rock é pouco para Elvis Presley. Agora, ele também é soberano absoluto no reino dos calendários com fotos de artistas. O calendário que tem fotos de Elvis em Las Vegas e anda vendendo mais que ídolos mais recentes como Robbie Willians e Eminem. Uma rede de lojas dos Estados Unidos fez uma pesquisa e deu no que deu. Um porta-voz da rede de lojas disse que isso acontece porque nunca foram lançados muitos calendários com a figura dele e os fãs mais antigos, assim que vêem um exemplar, pagam o que for, mas voltam com ele para casa.

50 anos de Sun Records! - Outubro de 2000
HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - Lendas da música como Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, The Who e Elton John já confirmaram presença na trilha sonora de um filme feito em homenagem aos 50 anos do selo Sun Records. Outras estrelas presentes no projeto incluem Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, Jeff Beck, Chrissie Hynde, Rod Stewart, Van Morrison, Mark Knopfler, Bryan Ferry, Aerosmith, Live, Third Eye Blind, Chris Isaak e Ben Folds Five, assim como o roqueiro francês Johnny Hallyday e o italiano Zucchero. Esses artistas cantarão músicas de Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis, Roy Orbison, Johnny Cash e outros pioneiros da gravadora Sun. Entre os destaques da trilha sonora estão Paul McCartney cantando ``That's All Right'', gravada por Elvis Presley em uma de suas primeiras sessões nos estúdios da Sun, em 1954.

Tennessee não esquece médico de Elvis - Outubro de 2000
(MEMPHIS) - O doutor George C. Nichopoulos é – a grosso modo – o que Mark Chapman é para um beatlemaníaco. Se Mark matou John Lennon, o "doutor Nick" era o médico que receitava montes e montes de pílulas para Elvis Presley. A sua licença para atuar profissionalmente está cassada há um bom tempo e, recentemente, ele entrou com um pedido de restauração na associação médica do estado do Tennessee. A junta que analisou o caso nem piscou e carimbou o pedido com um "não", dando a justificativa que é "para o bem-estar do cidadão do Tennessee".

Rock'n'Roll em Leilão! - Outubro de 2000
(LONDRES) - Diversas preciosidades do rock foram a leilão na terça-feira pela casa Christie de Londres. Pertences de Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Elvis Presley e Bob Dylan foram arrematados por fãs mais abonados. Foram vendidas algumas partituras originais de canções gravadas por Elvis, contando inclusive com anotações do próprio Rei do Rock. O item que alcançou o maior valor foi uma guitarra Gibson Les Paul 1958 que pertenceu a Eric Clapton. O instrumento foi vendido por 68 mil dólares, mais de 120 mil reais. O dinheiro obtido com a venda foi doado ao Isabel Hospice, fundado em memória do antigo guitarrista do Free, Paul Kossoff. A guitarra foi dada a Eric por Kossof em 69, quando o Free e o Blind Faith excursionavam juntos.

E se Elvis estivesse vivo? - Setembro de 2000
(Londres) - O site de notícias Sonicnet. aproveitou as homenagens que aconteceram em Graceland, lembrando os 23 anos da morte de Elvis Presley e lançou uma pergunta interessante para os fãs e para pessoas ligadas à banda: "E se Elvis estivesse vivo?". Scotty Moore, o primeiro guitarrista a tocar com Elvis, brincou dizendo que ele estaria vivendo às custas da Previdência Social e, depois – em um tom mais sério – disse que ele poderia ter se tornado um pregador religioso. O baterista D.J. Fontana, na lata, concordou com Moore: "E seria um dos bons!". Para Moore, porém, ele ia ficar incomodado com o avanço da idade. "Elvis era uma pessoa muito vaidosa, sabe? Seria difícil para ele envelhecer com elegância". A cantora Ronnie McDowell, que trabalhou com Elvis, diz que não e acha que ele teria ficado parecido com o pai, que, segundo ela, era um "belo senhor". "Ele estaria usando Viagra como todos nós", finalizou Fontana. Elvis morreu no dia 16 de agosto de 1977, e foi o cantor que mais vendeu discos na história da música internacional em todos os tempos.

Elvis homenageado pela web - Setembro de 2000
(Londres) - O aniversário de 23 anos de morte de Elvis Presley foi lembrado por mais pessoas que nunca. Desta vez, o site oficial do rei do rock transmitiu a vigília que foi feita na antiga mansão de Elvis, Graceland, ao vivo pela internet. A homenagem durou uma semana e começou na terça, dia 15. Elvis Presley morreu no dia 16 de agosto de 1977, em Graceland, em Memphis, no estado de Tennessee. Todo ano ele é lembrado ao redor do mundo pelos seus fãs, sendo que o cantor ainda hoje é o que mais possui fãs-clubes ao redor do mundo, batendo inclusive artistas atuais como Michael Jackson e Madonna.

Rock saindo do armário - Setembro de 2000
(Londres) - Em outubro, Londres vai virar ponto de parada obrigatório para quem gosta de associar moda e rock'n'roll. A partir desse mês, vai rolar uma exposição programada para durar catorze semanas, no Barbican Centre da capital inglesa. A exibição, chamada "Rock Style", vai fazer um verdadeiro quem é quem no estilo rock'n'roll de se vestir. As grandes atrações devem ser os trajes dos Beatles, da fase Sgt. Pepper's. Além deles, a exposição deve trazer também algumas roupas usadas pelo The Who, Janis Joplin, Mick Jagger, Sex Pistols, Clash, Patti Smith, George Clinton, Prince, Alice Cooper e Marilyn Manson. Vai haver também uma ala especial, dedicada a Elvis Presley. Um livro ilustrado, escrito pelo estilista Tommy Hilfiger, fazendo uma alusão entre as relações entre o rock e a moda, vai acompanhar a exibição.

Site mostra vigília ao túmulo de Elvis - Setembro de 2000
(LOS ANGELES TIMES) - Os fãs de Elvis Presley não precisam mais viajar até os EUA para conseguir assistir à tradicional vigília que acontece todo ano em frente ao túmulo do ídolo. O site elvis-presley.com transmitiu na terça-feira a chegada dos fãs à mansão do cantor, chamada Graceland, localizada na cidade de Memphis. Anualmente, milhares de pessoas se dirigem ao local por ocasião do aniversário de morte de Elvis, que ocorreu no dia 16 de agosto de 1977. O evento costuma durar uma semana, com o encontro de, em média, 600 mil pessoas que cantam, dançam e rememoram a história do rei do rock no jardim de sua casa. O site promete editar as imagens captadas este ano e disponibilizá-las em breve para os internautas, no endereço www.elvis-presley.com.

Agosto é mês de lembrar Elvis - Agosto de 2000
(New York City) - Todo mês de agosto, sempre há uma homenagem a Elvis Presley. Foi nesse mês, mais exatamente no dia 16 de agosto de 1977, que Elvis morreu e, de lá para cá, o mundo inteiro sempre organiza várias homenagens para lembrar a perda. Elvis Presley foi o maior nome da história do Rock 'n' Roll mundial, pois foi a partir de seu sucesso internacional que este gênero musical deixou de ser um simples modismo para se transformar no estilo musical mais popular do século. Elvis com sua música e sua dança, abriu as portas para todos os grandes nomes da música e da cultura jovem do século XX como The Beatles, The Rolling Stones e tantos outros. Neste ano, a cidade de Memphis, no estado norte-americano do Tennessee, vai abrigar nada menos que cinqüenta eventos ligados à essa data. Um deles vai ser a exibição de uma nova edição do filme "That's The Way It Is", a partir do dia 12. As homenagens vão ser, na sua grande maioria, centradas entre os dias 10 e 16 de agosto.

Ex-Beatle junto com ex-Elvis - Agosto de 2000
(LONDRES) - Paul McCartney aceitou o convite de gravar uma música para o filme sobre a história da lendária gravadora Sun Records, responsável pelo lançamento de grandes nomes do rock ´n roll nos anos 50 como Jerry Lee Lewis, Roy Orbinson, Carl Perkins e o rei Elvis Presley. O baixista provavelmente fará uma versão de "That´s All right (Mama)" e, para completar a homenagem, ainda terá como banda de apoio os músicos que tocavam com Elvis . Vale lembrar que o rei é grande influenciador de Paul McCartney e que o ex-Beatle já fez versões de outras músicas de Elvis no memorável show no The Carvern Club, em Liverpool.

Os ídolos que valem milhões - Agosto de 2000
(Nova Iorque) - A revista especializada Forbes divulgou a lista das celebridades que mais geraram fortunas no ano passado. Entre os que estão no topo da lista: George Lucas, o pai de "Star Wars" e Steven Spielberg, diretor de alguns dos mais famosos filmes da história do cinema. uma curiosidade: a reportagem traz o quanto ainda rendem, em royalties e direitos autorais, alguns artistas que já se foram, como Elvis Presley (US$ 45 milhões), John Lennon (US$ 10 milhões) e Frank Sinatra (US$ 5 milhões).

Beatles e Elvis Presley: Os melhores momentos do Rock mundial na TV - Agosto de 2000
(LONDRES) - O site VH1.com realizou uma pesquisa nos Estados Unidos perguntando para os entrevistados qual o melhor momento do rock na TV. Segundo o site, os gritos estridentes de jovens garotas que encobria o som dos Beatles na apresentação no programa de Ed Sullivan, em 1964, foi o momento mais rock ´n´ roll de todos os tempos. Exatamente neste momento, a Beatlemania tinha seu início nos Estados Unidos. Elvis Presley entra em segundo lugar na lista com a apresentação feita na NBC em 1968 – após anos sem subir em um palco – fazendo filmes em Hollywood. A lista segue com as 20 melhores performances televisivas, vídeos e seriados e ainda conta com alguns fenômenos dos anos 90, como Nirvana.

Estrelas ganham prêmio On Line - Agosto de 2000
(Londres) - Aconteceu ontem, em Nova York, o terceiro Yahoo! Internet Life On-Line Music Awards, festa que premia os melhores da música na internet. Prince recebeu o prêmio de 'Melhor Música da Internet' com a canção "One Song". Como era de se esperar, Sir Paul McCartney levou o prêmio de 'Melhor Evento Ao Vivo On-Line' com o show que ex-Beatle fez ano passado no Cavern Club de Liverpool cantando músicas de Elvis Presley (All Shook Up, Party e I Got Stung) e Chuck Berry entre outros pioneiros do Rock. Já David Bowie ganhou os prêmios de 'Melhor Site' pelo seu web site BowieNet.com e de 'Pioneiro On-Line do Ano'. O Yahoo! Net Awards rola todo ano. Os indicados e vencedores são escolhidos pelo site do Yahoo! e pelas principais indústrias de internet.

Museu do rock abre hoje em Seattle - Julho de 2000
(Seattle) - Um museu de rock'n'roll, com um design que lembra uma guitarra, abre nesta sexta-feira (23 de junho de 2000), em Seattle, nos Estados Unidos. O prédio interativo, que custou US$ 240 milhões, um projeto arquitetônico do renomado Frank Gehry, foi concebido pelo co-fundador da Microsoft, Paul Allen, em homenagem a seu ídolo Jimi Hendrix. São mais de 80 mil artefatos relacionados ao rock e à música pop, incluindo uma jaqueta e um violão do Rei do Rock'n'Roll Elvis Presley.

Elvis Presley e Bart Simpson: Os mais famosos na Inglaterra - Julho de 2000
(Londres) - Bart Simpson, o guri endiabrado da série animada de TV "Os Simpsons", superou Marilyn Monroe e Nelson Mandela em uma pesquisa, feita na Grã-Bretanha, sobre os ícones mais populares do século vinte. Os personagens de desenhos animados nunca envelhecem, não te abandonam e podem ser muito mais simpáticos do que os ídolos reais – disse Tim Dowling, administrador da Boddington, que realizou a pesquisa entre pessoas de 18 a 35 anos. As quatro figuras que lideraram a lista de popularidade foram Elvis Presley,a princesa Diana, o líder negro Martin Luther King e Bart Simpson. Quando Elvis Presley cantou a música Love me Tender na TV, em cadeia nacional, um a cada três aparelhos de televisão dos EUA estavam ligados no "Rei do Rock". Este número nunca foi superado.

"Um Estranho Chamado Elvis": O rei voltou, e para te salvar, em pesadelo bom com Keitel - Julho de 2000
(Londres) - "Um Estranho Chamado Elvis" é uma espécie de pesadelo bom: você perdeu sua mulher em um choque com um trem e decide sair por aí em seu Cadillac sem a porta esquerda, até que encontra um estranho pedindo carona no meio da estrada. O homem de meia-idade segura uma placa de papelão em que se lê "Graceland" _nome de mansão em Memphis e alvo de peregrinações dos fãs de seu proprietário, Elvis Presley. O "freak" sobe no carro e se apresenta: "Eu sou Elvis". OK, ele está diferente, mais baixo, com o topete ralo e, para um homem de 60 anos, em bem melhor forma do que o cantor aos 42, quando teria deixado este mundo (em 1977). Dá para acreditar que Elvis não morreu e está voltando para casa? Como num pesadelo, todo mundo ao redor parece não ter nenhuma dúvida de que, sim, o caronista (Harvey Keitel, de "Cães de Aluguel" e "O Piano") é mesmo o finado Elvis Presley. Menos o rapaz que o leva de carona até o Tennessee, Byron Gruman (Johnathon Schaech, de "The Wonders - O Sonho Não Acabou"). Seja quem for, o Elvis-Keitel vai se revelando um anjo protetor dos infelizes que rondam pelas estradas norte-americanas. Se Jesus ainda não voltou, o rei do rock está de novo na Terra para te salvar. A "missão" do "The Pelvis" redivivo é traduzida em uma frase de efeito: "Todo mundo precisa de um guia. Que importa que seja Jesus, Buda ou Elvis?". É isso aí. Em uma mesa de cassino, Elvis reencontra Marilyn Monroe (Bridget Fonda, de "Jackie Brown" e "Mulher Solteira Procura") e logo depois Clark Gable, Judy Garland, Humphrey Bogart e Sammy Davis Jr. _vividos por aquele tipo de gente que ganha o pão imitando astros de Hollywood já idos em shows kitsch pelo interior dos EUA. Não deixa de ser engraçado. Na hora da verdade, o rei tem de mostrar que ele é ele mesmo, subir ao palco e cantar. É o ápice da incrível interpretação de Harvey Keitel em um longa-metragem divertido que troca, no final, a melancolia dominante pelo melodrama. Pena. De qualquer maneira, foi feito para os fãs do homem. É genial "reencontrá-lo", a trilha sonora é obviamente impecável, Graceland se deixa ver por quem nunca pôde ir a Memphis. E lá nos créditos aparece a autorização "oficial": a viúva, Priscilla Presley, é produtora executiva da película. Ousadias que pudessem fazer o rei revirar-se na tumba não podiam mesmo estar no roteiro. - "Um Estranho Chamado Elvis" (Finding Graceland) - Direção: David Winkley - Produção: EUA, 1999 Com: Harvey Keitel, Johnathon Schaech, Bridget Fonda.

Elvis não morreu, pelo menos no cinema... - Julho de 2000
(London Times) - Um Estranho Chamado Elvis ( Finding Graceland, EUA, 1998). Direção: David Winkler. Byron Gruman (Jonathon Schaech) perdeu o ânimo pela vida, desde que sua mulher Beatrice (Gretchen Mol) faleceu. Decide viajar sem rumo pela estradas dos Estados Unidos e em uma de suas viagens, enxerga ao longe um homem vestido com uma jaqueta cor-de-rosa, segurando uma placa onde se lê "Graceland". O homem se apresenta com o nome de Elvis e insiste em dizer que é o próprio Presley -- apesar de não ser nem um pouco parecido com ele. Byron dá carona ao estranho e começa uma aventura, que o faz mudar seus sentimentos em relação a vida, ajudado por acontecimentos inusitados, como o encontro com uma sósia de Marylin Monroe (Bridget Fonda), em um cassino no Mississipi. O longa-metragem estreia amanhã aqui na Inglaterra e sem dúvida se tornará um grande sucesso, pois a terra de sua majestade é um dos maiores centros de adoração do superastro do Rock. O filme demonstra que Elvis Presley está mais presente do que nunca no mundo atual, seja através de sua música ou de sua imagem. Elvis Presley, o rei do Rock'n'Roll, você queira ou não, definitivamente é um dos maiores mitos do século XX.

Presente para Beatlemaníacos - Julho de 2000
O site de música MCY.com, atendendo a pedidos, colocará novamente em seu site o webcast do histórico show de Paul McCartney no Cavern Club, que fica em Liverpool. Paul não tocava no local, onde os Beatles se apresentavam no início da carreira, desde agosto de 1963. A apresentação foi transmitida ao vivo em dezembro do ano passado. No show, o ex-beatle toca músicas de seu novo disco, "Run Devil Run", com covers de Elvis Presley nas canções "All Shook Up", "I Got Stung" e "Party", além de Little Richard, Chuck Berry e outros pioneiros do rock'n roll. Na banda que o acompanha, estão nomes famosos como Dave Gilmour, guitarrista do Pink Floyd, e Ian Paice, baterista do Deep Purple. O show estará disponível apenas em alguns dias: hoje (1º de julho), 5 de julho, 8 de julho, 15 de julho, 20 de julho, 24 de julho, 4 de agosto e 10 de agosto.

Elvis era Galês? - Junho de 2000
Além do hambúrguer e de Marilyn Monroe, os norte-americanos sempre se orgulharam de ter dado ao mundo um dos maiores ícones do rock: Elvis Presley. Um livro recém-lançado acaba de jogar baldes de água fria nos brios ianques. Segundo Terry Beverton, em seu livro "A–Z de Gales", Presley tem as raízes fincadas no País de Gales. Beverton, historiador da Universidade de Gales, baseia essa afirmação bombástica em investigações genealógicas aprofundadas. "Apesar da maioria dos 'Elvisologistas' acreditarem que o Rei tinha uma mistura de sangue escocês e de índios cherokee, as pesquisas mais recentes apontam que ele tinha origem galesa, em detrimento aos escoceses", conclui Beverton.

Antepassados de Elvis Presley podem ser britânicos - Junho de 2000
LONDRES (Reuters) - O professor Terry Breverton, da Universidade de Cardiff, no País de Gales, tem uma surpresa para todos os fãs de Elvis Presley que achavam que as raízes musicais do "Rei" estavam no sul dos Estados Unidos. Alguma vez você já parou para pensar nos vales do sul do País de Gales, famosos por seus corais de vozes masculinas? Breverton identificou os ancestrais do rei do rock não apenas como sendo originários da serra de Presili, no País de Gales, mas também como tendo vínculos com uma capela na região que é dedicada a São Elvis - "a única da Grã-Bretanha da qual se tem conhecimento dedicada a esse santo", segundo a edição de sexta-feira do jornal The Guardian. O jornal disse que Breverton, autor de um guia "de A a Z" ao País de Gales, acredita que existem outros indícios de vínculos entre Elvis e o País de Gales. "O segundo nome do irmão gêmeo de Elvis, Jesse Garon Presley, que morreu, é de origem galesa. O nome de sua mãe, Gladys, também é galês", disse Breverton. ''Sua avó, Doll Mansell, pode ter sido da famosa família de Mansell, de Oxwich, na península de Gower.'' Segundo o The Guardian, a secretária da Sociedade de Gower, Ruth Ridge, teria dito: "Vamos lançar um apelo por ajuda para verificar se essas afirmações têm fundamento. Se for verdade, será maravilhoso".

Lisa Marie Presley trabalha com Billy Corgan - Junho de 2000
Lisa Marie, filha de Elvis Presley, está contando com uma ajuda muito especial na gravação de seu primeiro disco. Billy Corgan, vocalista do Smashing Pumpkins está ajudando a filha do rei do rock a fazer uma das músicas. O produtor Glenn Ballard, que também está envolvido no projeto, confirma que isso está acontecendo, mas prefere não dar mais detalhes a respeito. O disco deve sair no fim deste ano ou no começo de 2001.

Viva a Sun Records! - Junho de 2000
Mark Knopfler e Bryan Ferry estão entre os primeiros artistas a gravarem faixas para um álbum tributo à Sun Records. O disco em homenagem à gravadora teve também Scotty Moore e D.J. Fontana, da banda de Elvis Presley, fazendo sua parte. Os dois participaram das sessões para as três primeiras faixas, gravadas no estúdio Abbey Road em Londres. De acordo com os organizadores do projeto, a Middle Fork Productions (de Los Angeles), The Who, Elton John, Van Morrison, Bonnie Raitt, Jimmy Page e Robert Plant foram convidados para participar. Por enquanto, não houve um comunicado oficial sobre a presença destes artistas no disco.

Textos publicados no site EPHP
Compilação: Pablo Aluísio. 

segunda-feira, 25 de outubro de 2010

Elvis Presley - Letras das músicas de A a Z - Parte 25

Elvis Presley:
Letra Y (de "Yesterday" a "You've lost that lovin' feelin'")

672. "Yesterday" do Disco "On Stage - February 1970"
(John Lennon - Paul McCartney)

All my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh I believe in yesterday

I don't have the laugh
I used to weep
There's a shadow hanging over me
Oh, yesterday, came suddenly

Why'd she have to go
I don't know, she wouldn't say
I said something wrong
Now I long for yesterday

Love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday

673. "Yoga is as yoga does" do Filme "Meu Tesouro é Você"
(Nelson - Burch)

Well I can see that you and yoga will never do

Yoga is as yoga does there's no in-between
Your either with it on the ball or you've blown the scene
I can see lookin' at you, you just can't get settled
How can I even move, twistin' like a pretzel

(Yoga is, yoga does)
(There's no in-between)
(Your either with it all the way) Or you've blown the scene
(Or you've blown the scene)

Come on come on, untwist my legs
Pull my arms a lot
How did I get so tied up
In this yoga knot
You tell me just how I can take this yoga serious
When all it ever gives to me is a pain in my posteriors

(Yoga is, yoga does)
(There's no in-between)
(Your either with it all the way) Or you've blown the scene
(Or you've blown the scene)

Stand upside down on your head, feet against the wall
A simple yoga exercise done by one and all
Now cross your eyes and hold your breath, look just like a clown
Yoga's sure to catch you if you come falling down

(Yoga is, yoga does)
(There's no in-between)
(Your either with it all the way) Or you've blown the scene
(Or you've blown the scene)

(Yoga is, yoga does)
(There's no in-between)
(Your either with it all the way) Or you've blown the scene
(Or you've blown the scene)

674. "You asked me to" do Disco "Promised Land"
(Jennings - Shaver)

Long ago and far away
In my old common labor shoes
I turned the world all which-a-way
Just because you asked me to

Likened to no other feel'
Summer love is simple true
There's no end to what I'd do
Just because you asked me to

Let the world call me a fool
Let it; things are right with me and you
That's all that matters and I'll do
Anything you ask me to

Knowin' how much I love you
After all I've been through
I'd turn and walk away from you
Just because you asked me to

Let the world call me a fool
Let it; things are right with me and you
That's all that matters and I'll do
Anything you ask me to

675. "You belong to my heart"
(Gilbert - Lara)

You belong to my heart now and forever
We were there beneath the stars while a million guitars
Played our love song
When they said I love you
Every beat of my heart said it too

<Spanish ?> do you remember
Darling you'll hear that song
And you'll always belong to my heart

676. "You better run"
(Tradicional - Arranjado por Elvis Presley)

(Well now you'd better run)
Run when I say, somebody's calling you
You'd better run
Run when I say, (somebody's calling you)
You'd better run
Run when I say, (somebody's calling you)
I feel like my time has long gone
Long gone, (my time is long gone)

Well now goodbye false pretender
Lord I cannot wait for you
For the bible declares you're goin' to heaven Lord
What the bible declares you do

(Well now you'd better run)
Run when I say, somebody's calling you
You'd better run
Run when I say, (somebody's calling you)
You'd better run
Run when I say, (somebody's calling you)
I feel like my time has long gone
Long gone, (my time is long gone)
Long gone

Well I met a false pretender
Whose head was bending Lord
I met him in the evening
He was headed down that long lonesome road

(Well now you'd better run)
Run when I say, somebody's calling you
You'd better run
Run when I say, (somebody's calling you)
You'd better run
Get away from here, somebody's calling you
I feel like my time has long gone
Long gone, (my time is long gone), long gone

677. "You can't say no in Acapulco" do Filme "O Seresteiro de Acapulco"
(Sid Feller - Dee Fuller - Lee Morris)

You can't say no, in Acapulco
With every beat your heart will answer yes
Where lovers sing instead of talk
And dance instead of walk together
In a night, that's filled with stars
And strumming guitars

You can't say no, in Acapulco
Where romance blooms, and love is in the air
So kiss me tender, love me true
Darling feel this magic too
Don't say no, you can't say no, in Acapulco

You can't say no, in Acapulco
Where romance blooms, and love is in the air
So kiss me tender, love me true
Darling feel this magic too
Don't say no, you can't say no, in Acapulco

Don't say no...you can't say no, in Acapulco

678. "You don't have to say you love me" do Disco "That's The Way It Is"
(Wickham - Napier - Bell - Donaggio - Pallavicini)

When I said, I needed you
You said you would always stay
It wasn't me who changed, but you
And know you've gone away

Don't you know that now you're gone
And I'm left her on my own
Then I have to follow you
And beg you to come home

You don't have to say you love me
Just be close at hand
You don't have to stay forever
I will understand
Believe me, believe me
I can't help I love you
But believe me, I'll never tie you down

Left alone with just a memory
Life seems dead and so unreal
All that's left is loneliness
There's nothing left to feel

679. "You don't know me" do Disco "Clambake"
(Walker - Arnold)

You give your hand to me and then you say hello
And I can hardly speak, my heart is beating so
And anyone could tell, you think you know me well
But you don't know me

No you don't know the one who dreams of you at night
And longs to kiss your lips and longs to hold you tight
To you I'm just a friend, and that's all I've ever been
No, you don't know me

For I never knew the art of making love
Though my heart aches with love for you
Afraid and shy I let my chance go by
The chance that you might love me too

You give your hand to me and then you say good-bye
I watch you walk away beside the lucky guy
To never, never know the one who loves you so
No, you don't know me

680. "You gave me a mountain" do Disco "Aloha From Hawaii"
(Marty Robbins)

Born in the heat of the desert
My mother died giving me life
Deprived of the love of a father
Blamed for the loss of his wife
You know Lord I've been in a prison
For something that I never done
It's been one hill after another
I've climbed them all one by one

But this time, Lord you gave me a mountain
A mountain you know I may never climb
It isn't just a hill any longer
You gave me a mountain this time

My woman got tired of heartaches
Tired of the grief and the strife
So tired of working for nothing
Just tired of being my wife
She took my one ray of sunshine
She took my pride and my joy
She took my reason for living
She took my small baby boy

But this time, Lord you gave me a mountain
A mountain you know I may never climb
It isn't just a hill any longer
You gave me a mountain this time

681. "You gotta stop" do Filme "Meu Tesouro é Você"
(Giant - Baum - Kaye)

Baby you've been lying to me now I'm onto you
It's the same old song but it doesn't ring true

That's right you're wrong again
Time to change and put you on your own again
You've had your way too long
Time for me to be moving on

You gotta stop, you're wrong again
Stop ... that song again

You've been steppin' out wild and fancy free
Now you've had your fun and you're running back to me
It just can't be if there's no harmony
Then stop!
That's all let's break it up
You've had me fooled now I'm wakin' up
I see right through your lies
You made me open my eyes

You gotta stop, you're wrong again
Stop ... that song again

It's too late now I've made up my mind
Being here with you is just a waste of time

Nothing to say so I'll be on my way

You gotta stop, you're wrong again
Stop ... that song again

It's too late now I've made up my mind
Being here with you is just a waste of time

It just can't be if there's no harmony
Then stop! Stop! you're wrong again
Stop that song again
Stop! you're wrong again
You gotta stop that song again

682. "You'll be gone" do Disco "Girl Happy"
(R. West - E. Presley - C. Hodge)

Sweetheart we're alone
And you are mine
Let's make this night a night to remember
Don't make our love a cold dying ember
For with the dawn, you'll be gone
Hold me close in your arms as the night withers away
Let's not waste one precious kiss while we're together
Oh please come to my arms and say you'll love me forever
For with the dawn, you'll be gone

Sweetheart when you're near
My heart is aflame
Your lips pressed on mine is heaven descending
And I could die because it is ending
For with the dawn, you'll be gone
Let these passions we feel in our hearts never end
I could never share this feeling with another
Oh please say that you feel the same knowing no other ??
For with the dawn, you'll be gone
For with the dawn, you'll be gone
For with the dawn, you'll be gone
For with the dawn, you'll be gone

683. "You'll never walk alone" do Disco "You'll Never Walk Alone"
(Oscar Hammerstein II - Richard Rogers)

When you walk through a storm hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never, ever walk alone.

Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never, ever walk alone.

684. "You'll think of me" do Disco "Back In Memphis"

I'm sorry now girl, but I must leave you
There's something deep inside my soul keeps calling me
The winter wind girl, will not deceive you
And in your cold and empty bed, you'll think of me, oh yes
You'll think of me

You'll see me coming, you'll see me going
Don't ask me why, I'm just the kind needs to be free
Just like that outlaw wind keeps on a-blowin'
Yeah, in your cold and empty bed, you'll think of me, oh yes
You'll think of me

Now I know you loved me just like I wanted
I know you'd follow me across an endless sea
But baby I've got a heart that's haunted
Yeah, in your cold and empty bed, you'll think of me, oh yes
You'll think of me

Ah but you should know girl that I'll be crying
Out on that lonely road where not a soul can see
I'll shed my tears for a love that's dying
Yeah, in your cold and empty bed, you'll think of me, oh yes
You'll think of me

The summer sun girl will bring a stranger
And he'll be better to you than I used to be
And when he takes you into his arms girl
Well, in your warm and loving bed, you won't think of me, no, no
You won't think of me

Then in your warm and loving bed, you won't think of me, no, no
You won't think of me

685. "Young and beautiful" do Filme "O Prisioneiro do Rock"
(Aaron Schroeder / Abner Silver)

You're so young and beautiful and I love you so
Your lips so red, your eyes that shine
Shame the stars that glow
So fill these lonely arms of mine
And kiss me tenderly
Then you'll be forever young
And beautiful to me

You're so young and beautiful, you're everything I love
Your angel smile, your gentle touch
Are all I'm dreaming of
Oh take this heart I offer you
And never set me free
Then you'll be forever young
And beautiful to me

686. "Young dreams" do Filme "Balada Sangrenta"
(Kalmanoff - Schroeder)

(Young dreams of love, young dreams of love)
Young dreams (Young dreams, young dreams)
My heart is filled with young dreams (dreams)
And I'm longing to
Share them all with you

In my eyes, (my eyes, my eyes)
Oh can't you see in my eyes (in eyes)
That you're the only one who
Can make my young dreams come true

I have young arms
That wanna hold you (hold you)
Hold you oh so tight
I have young lips (lips)
That want to kiss you (kiss you)
Kiss you morning noon and night
Take my hand (my hand my hand)
Oh darling take my hand (take hand)
And let me make you a part
Of all my young dreams of love

I have young arms
That wanna hold you (hold you)
Hold you oh so tight
I have young lips (lips)
That want to kiss you (kiss you)
Kiss you morning noon and night
Take my hand (my hand my hand)
Oh darling take my hand (take hand)
And let me make you a part
Of all my young dreams of love
A part of all of my young dreams of love
(Young dreams of love, young dreams of love)

687. "Your cheatin' heart" do Disco "Elvis for Everyone"
(Hank Williams)

Your cheatin' heart will make you weep
You'll cry and cry and try to sleep
But sleep won't come the whole night through
Your cheatin' heart will tell on you

When tears come down like falling rain
You'll toss around and call my name
You're gonna walk that floor the way that I do
Your cheatin' heart will tell on you

When tears come down like falling rain
You'll toss around and call my name
You're gonna walk that floor just the way that I do
Your cheatin' heart will tell on you

Your cheatin' heart will tell on you
Your cheatin' heart will tell on you

688. "You're a heartbreaker" do LP "For LP Fans Only"
(J. Sallee)

You're a heartbreaker,
You're a love faker,
A heartbreaker playing with fire.
You're a tear snatcher,
You're a quarrel patcher,
But you can't break my heart anymore,
For I just found someone else who's sure to take your place.
Someone I can always trust and to fill this empty space.

You're a heartbreaker,
You're a love faker,
But you can't break my heart anymore.

You're a smooth talker,
You're a real cool walker,
But now you have talked out of turn.
You're a high stepper,
You're a eye-catcher,
But you won't catch my glances anymore.
For I just found someone else who's sure to take your place,
Someone I can always trust and to fill this empty space.

You're a heartbreaker
You're a love faker,
But you can't break my heart anymore.

You're a heart breaker
You're a love faker,
A heartbreaker playing with fire.
You're a tear snatcher,
You're a quarrel patcher,
But you can't break my heart anymore.
For I've just found someone else who's sure to take your place.
Someone I can always trust and to fill this empty space.

You're a heartbreaker,
You're a love faker,
But you can't break my heart anymore.

689. "You're the boss" do Filme "Amor a toda Velocidade"
(Dueto com Ann-Margret)
(Leiber - Stoller)

When it comes twistin' I just got to keep insistin'
Oh baby .... you sure do swing

When it comes twistin' I just got to keep insistin'
Oh daddy hey, you are the king

Baby you got me beat up and down inside out and across
Oh yeah!

But in the middle of the night when the moon is shining bright
Ah! You're the boss

Hey talkin 'bout the days when we ended down the hall romancin'
Big daddy Hey! You make the scene

Hey talkin' 'bout dancin' and down on romancin'
Oh now baby, you are the queen

Oh when push comes to shove, when it comes down to love
You're a horse

Oh yeah! but in the middle of the night when the moon is shining bright
Baby, you're the boss

You're the best of everything
You're a peach, you're a plum
You're a diamond, you're a pearl
You're the best of everything
Ahh daddy you're my man

Baby you're my girl
Now when it comes to knowin' which way the wind is blowin'
Now baby, you sure are wise

Yeah! When it comes to knowin' which way the wind is blowin'
Oh daddy, you take the prize

Baby you're a genius when it comes to cooking up some chili sauce
Oh yeah!

Oh but in the middle of the night when the moon is shining bright
Ahh, you're the boss

You're the boss
You're the boss
You're the boss

But in the middle of the night when the moon is shining bright
Ahh, you're the boss
You're the boss
You're the boss
Baby You're the boss
Tell me 'bout it baby

690. "You're the only star in my blue heaven"
(Gene Autry)

You're the only star in my blue heaven
And I'm waiting just for you
You're the only star in my blue heaven
And in dreams your face I see

Well you're the guiding light
That brightens up the night
And I see your face in my dreams
You're the only star in my blue heaven
And I'm waiting just for you

691. "Your loves been a long time coming" do Disco "Promised Land"
(R. Bourke)

The first time I saw you I knew I was hooked on somebody other than me
The first time I held you, your soft lips and blue eyes
Were as far as my eyes could see

Yes here in my arms I knew I had found the reason that I'm living for
And I felt the feeling, such a wonderful feeling
That I'd never felt before

Baby, you're love's been a long time coming
Baby your love's got a hold on me
Baby your love's sure got me humming
Baby your love's been a long time coming

Deep in my heart there's a feeling I never knew
Until I saw a love that was very new
I'm gonna tell everyone what good love can do

Baby, you're love's been a long time coming
Baby your love's got a hold on me
Baby your love's sure got me humming
Baby your love's been a long time coming

Baby, you're love's been a long time coming
Baby your love's got a hold on me

692. "Your time hasn't come yet baby" do Filme "O Bacana do Volante"
(Hirschhorn - Kascho)

Your time hasn't come yet baby
You got a lot of dreams to go
Your time hasn't come yet baby
But when it does your heart will know

You're gonna be a beautiful woman
Because you're such a beautiful child
And when you start to bloom
Just like a rose in June
I bet the schoolboys all go wild, but right now

Your time hasn't come yet baby
You got a few dreams to go
Your time hasn't come yet baby
When it does your heart will know

Your life's still a lollipop heaven
Your teddy bear's at the foot of your bed
The little boy next door who only makes you sore
Is gonna some day turn your head but right now

Your time hasn't come yet baby
You got a few dreams to go
Your time hasn't come yet baby
When it does your heart will know

You're gonna grow over night into a lady
With a devastatingly smile ???
And then a lucky guy will see you
And wanna walk you down the aisle, but meanwhile

Your time hasn't come yet baby
You got a few dreams to go
Your time hasn't come yet baby
When it does your heart will know
When it does your heart will know
When it does your heart will know

693. "You've lost that lovin' feelin'" do Disco "That's The Way It Is"
(Mann - Weil)

You never close your eyes
Anymore when I kiss your lips
There's no tenderness
Like before in you fingertips
You're trying hard not to show it,
But baby, baby I know it

You've lost that lovin' feelin', oh that lovin' feelin'
You've lost that lovin' feelin', now it's gone, gone, gone

There's no tenderness in your eyes
When I reach out for you
Girl, you're starting to criticize
Every little thing I do
It makes me just feel like crying
'Cause baby, something beautiful's dying

You've lost that lovin' feelin', oh that lovin' feelin'
You've lost that lovin' feelin', now it's gone, gone, gone

Baby, baby, I get down on my knees for you
If you would only love me like you used to do
We had a love, love, love, love affair every day
Oh don't, don't, don't, don't take it away
Listen to me, talkin' to you

Bring back that lovin' feelin, oh, that lovin' feelin'
Bring back that lovin' feelin, now it's gone, gone, gone
And I can't go on

Compilação: Pablo Aluísio.

domingo, 24 de outubro de 2010

Elvis Presley - Letras das músicas de A a Z - Parte 24

Elvis Presley:
Letra W (de "Walk a mile in my shoes" a "Write to me from Naples")

627. "Walk a mile in my shoes" do Disco "On Stage - February 1970"
(Joe South)

If I could be you, if you could be me
For just one hour, if we could find a way
To get inside each other's mind
If you could see you through my eyes
Instead your own ego I believe you'd be
I believe you'd be surprised to see
That you've been blind

Walk a mile in my shoes
just walk a mile in my shoes
Before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Then walk a mile in my shoes

Now if we spend the day
Throwin' stones at one another
'Cause I will think, 'cause I will think
To wear my hat the same way you do
Well, I may be common people
But I'm your brother
And when you strike out
You're tryin' to hurt me
It's hurtin' you, Lord how mercy

Now there are people on reservations
And out in the ghetto
And whether they're for the grace of God
Or you and I,
If I only had wings of a little angel
Don't you know, I'd fly
To the top of a mountain
And then I'd cry, cry, cry

628. "Way down" do Disco "Moody Blue"
(Layng Martine, jr)

Babe, you're getting closer
The lights are goin' dim
The sound of your breathin'
Has made the mood I'm in
All of my resistance
Is lying on the floor
Taking me to places
I've never been before

Ooh, and I can feel it,
Feel it, feel it, feel it

Way down where the music plays
Way down like a tidal wave
Way down where the fires blaze
Way down, down, way, way on down

Ooh, my head is spinnin'
You got me in your spell,
A hundred magic fingers
On a whirling carousel
The medicine within me
No doctor could prescribe
Your love is doing something
That I just can't describe

Ooh, and I can feel it,
Feel it, feel it, feel it

Way down where the music plays
Way down like a tidal wave
Way down where the fires blaze
Way down, down, way, way on down

Hold me again,
Tight as you can
I need you so,
Baby, let's go

Way down where it feels so good
Way down where I hoped it would
Way down where I never could
Way down, down, way, way on down

629. "Wearing that loved on look" do Disco "From Elvis In Memphis"
(Dallas Frazier - Al Owens)

I had to leave town for a little while,
You said you'd be good while I'm gone,
But the look in your eye dun told me you told a lie,
I know there's been some carryin' on.

Baby, You're wearin' that loved on look, Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop
Baby, You're wearin' that loved on look.

The ash trays are all full of ashes,
The floor needs a touch of the mop,
There's a man downstairs with a long bushy hair,
He said your party was a three day rock.

Baby, You're wearin' that loved on look, Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop
Baby, You're wearin' that loved on look.

Baby if you ever loved me,
Then Bonnie and Clyde loved the law,
Well a bird can't fly and I don't like apple pie,
And trees won't grow in Arkansas.

Baby, You're wearin' that loved on look, Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop
Baby, You're wearin' that loved on look.

I had to leave town for a little while,
You said you'd be good while I'm gone,
But the look in your eye dun told me you told a lie,
I know there's been some carryin' on.

Well - Baby, You're wearin' that loved on look,
Yeah - Baby, You're wearin' that loved on look
Yeah - Baby

630. "Wear my ring around your neck" do Disco "Elvis Golden Records vol.2"
(Bert Caroll - Russell Moody)

Won't you wear my ring around your neck
To tell the world I'm yours, by heck
Let them see your love for me
And let them see by the ring around your neck

Won't you wear my ring around your neck
To tell the world I'm yours, by heck
Let them know I love you so
And let them no by the ring around your neck

They say that goin' steady is not the proper thing
They say that we're too young to know the meaning of a ring
I only know that I love you and that you love me too
So, darling, please do what I ask of you

Won't you wear my ring around your neck
To tell the world I'm yours, by heck
Let them see your love for me
And let them see by the ring around your neck

Let them know I love you so
And let them know by the ring around your neck

631. "We call on him"
(Karger - Weisman - Wayne)

We call on Him
Whenever storm clouds gather
We call on Him to light our darkest day
Why must it be that only when we're lonely
And hopes are dim, we call on Him

Why don't we call on Him before we lose our way
To count our blessings and thank Him while we may

We call on Him when no-one else will answer
We ask of Him a reason to go on
When our cup of joy becomes a cup of sorrow
Filled to the brim, we call on Him

Why don't we call on Him before we lose our way
To count our blessings and thank Him while we may

632. "We can make the morning" do Disco "Elvis Now"
(J. Ramsey)

I just thought I heard a small voice crying
Looked again and saw that it was me
I feel like a little boy denying
That he fears the night 'cause he can't see

Then a larger thought said stop your crying
Don't be scared to search 'cause you may find
Fate holds out a candle for your footsteps
Time rolls back the shadows of your mind

It's a long, long lonely night
You can make the morning if you try
It's a long, long lonely night
Oh, we can make the morning if we try
Girl, we can make the morning you and I
Together, together, together

Loneliness is darkness' first companion
Spend the night alone and faith may bend
Share it all and see how fear starts fading
Chase away the shadows with a friend

Dawn's elusive light is just beginning
Now the day can push away the night
Dreams can make the sun feel much brighter
Hope creates a foothold for the light

It's a long, long lonely night
We can make the morning if we try
It's a long, long lonely night
We can make the morning if we try
Girl, we can make the morning you and I, Oh

It's a long, long lonely night
We can make the morning if we try
It's a long, long lonely night
We can make the morning if we try
It's a long, long lonely night
We can make the morning if we try

633. "Welcome to my world" do Disco "Aloha From Hawaii"
(Winkler - Hathcock)

Welcome to my world,
Won't you come on in
Miracles, I guess
Still happen now and then
Step into my heart
Leave your cares behind
Welcome to my world
Built with you in mind

Knock and the door shall be open
Seek and you will find
Ask and you'll be given
The key to this heart of mine

I'll be waiting there
With my arms unfurled
Waiting just for you
Welcome to my world
Welcome to my world

634. "We'll be together" do Filme "Garotas, Garotas e mais Garotas"
(Curran - Brooks)

Oh I will never forget the first night we met
Was love I was searching for
My heart beat faster and faster, oh so much faster
Faster than it did before

<Spanish verse>

We'll be together, and love forever
Nothing can change our destiny

I knew the moment I kissed you, couldn't resist you
Together we belong
And then I knew in that moment just what this glow meant
True love had come along

We'll be together, ever and ever, close to my heart
You'll always be.
We'll be together, and love forever
Nothing can change our destiny

635. "We're coming in loaded" do Filme "Garotas, Garotas e mais Garotas"
(Blackwell - Scott)

Ooh yes we're comin' in loaded, Ooh yes we're comin' in loaded
I'll hold the boat steady brother like a rock
Full speed a head until we hit the dock
We're heading for home, the fishing was great
We're comin' in loaded 'cause we're all out of bait
Well, well, well, well, well
Oh well now yeah!

We gottem packed to the water-line
Some got away but the catch was fine
Never saw such big ones, m'man oh man,
We're comin' in loaded just as fast as we can
Well, well, well, well, well
Oh well now yeah!

I'm gonna see my baby soon as I get back
Knock on the door with my pockets packed
She'll look at me well she can't say no
We're comin' in loaded so come on let's go
Well, well, well, well, well
Oh well now yeah!
Oh well now yeah!
Yeah! we're comin' in loaded

636. "We're gonna move" do Filme "Ama-me com Ternura"
(Vera Matson - Elvis Presley)

Well there's a leak in this old building
Yes, there's a leak in this old building
Well there's a leak in this old building
We're gonna move to a better home

We got no pane in this old window'
We got no pane in this old window'
We got no pane in this old window'
We're gonna move to a better home

Well there's a hole in the roof where the rain pours in
A hole in the floor where it drops right out again
Well there's a leak in this old building
Well there's a leak in this old building
Well there's a leak in this old building
We're gonna move to a better home

Well there's a crack across the ceiling
Yes there's a crack across the ceiling
Well there's a crack across the ceiling
We're gonna find us a better home

We've gotta stove without a chimney
We've gotta stove without a chimney
What good's a stove without a chimney
We're gonna move to a better home

Pulling down window shades is no use at all
The kids and the neighbor can peep right through the wall
Well there's a leak in this old building
Well there's a leak in this old building
Well there's a leak in this old building
We're gonna move to a better, move to a better
Move to a better home

637. "Western Union"
(Tepper - Bennet)

Western Union
Oh, Western Union clickety clack
I had a fight with my baby
Ooh how sorry I am
She won't talk to me no how
I'm gonna send a telegram

Western Union oh yeah
Send my lovin' baby back to me

She won't open my letters
She won't answer the phone
When I'm a-ringin' her doorbell
She says there ain't nobody home

Western Union oh yeah
Send my lovin' baby back to me

Western Union oh yeah
Send my lovin' baby back to me

I love you is my message
Just three words and no more
If she won't let you deliver
Slip it underneath her door

Western Union oh yeah
Send my lovin' baby back to me

Western Union oh yeah
Send my lovin' baby back to me

638. "What a wonderful life"
(Wayne - Livingston)

It's a wonderful life
This life I'm livin'
What a wonderful life, days with a life of ease, oh-ho-oh
Well, I've got no job to worry me
No big bad boss to hurry me
It's a wonderful life life's good to me

It's a wonderful road
This road I'm travelin'
It's a wonderful road headin' beyond the hills, oh-ho-oh
Oh it may go straight or it may detour
But one thing that I know for sure
It's a wonderful life, life's good to me

Don't know where I'm goin'
Don't care where I'm goin'
Like the four winds are blowin' I go on
Laughin' the day away, lovin the night away
Till the moon is gone
It's a wonderful life
This life I'm livin'
What a wonderful life
Livin' the life I love, oh yeah
Well I've got neighbors, I've got friends
Just about anywhere the rainbow ends
It's a wonderful life, life's good to me

Don't know where I'm goin'
Don't care where I'm goin'
Like the four winds are blowin' I go on
Laughin' the day away, lovin the night away
Till the moon is gone
It's a wonderful life
This life I'm livin'
What a wonderful life
Livin' the life I love, oh yeah
Well I've got neighbors, I've got friends
Just about anywhere the rainbow ends
It's a wonderful life, life's good to me
What a wonderful life, life's good to me, yeah
Crazy life, life's good to me
Oh what a life

639. "What'd I say" do Filme "Amor a toda Velocidade"
(Ray Charles)

Hey mama, don't you treat me wrong
Come and love your daddy all night long
All right, hey, hey, all right now

See the girl with the diamond ring
She knows how to shake that thing
All right, hey, hey, Mmm, all right now

Ahhh, Ohh, Ahhh, Ohh, Ahhh, Ohh, Ohh

Make me feel so good, make me feel so good right now
Make me feel so good, make me feel so good right now
Make me feel so good, make me feel so good

Mmm, see the girl with the red dress on
She can do the dog all night long
All right, hmm what'd I say, tell me what'd I say

Tell me what'd I say, tell me what'd I say right now
Tell me what'd I say, tell me what'd I say right now
Tell me what'd I say, tell me what'd I say

Ahhh, Ohh, Ahhh, Ohh, Ahhh, Ohh, Ohh
It's all right, It's all right right now
Baby, it's all right, Baby, it's all right right now
Baby, it's all right, Oh yeah!

Baby shake that thing, baby shake that thing right now
Baby shake that thing, baby shake that thing right now
Baby shake that thing, well I feel all right

640. "What every woman lives for"
(Pomus - Shuman)

She may say she needs fancy bangles and beads
That's part of a woman's plan
But what every woman lives for
What every woman lives for
Is to give her love to a man

Wise men have known women can't live alone
So a woman should understand
That what every woman lives for
What every woman lives for
Is to give her love to a man

He may not be the kind you find in picture books
A real life hero with dashing handsome looks
He may not be the guy that you've been dreaming of
But that won't stop you from giving him your love

So dear, can't you see that it was meant to be
It's part, part of our destiny
'Cause what every woman lives for
What every woman lives for
Is to give her love to a man
And I hope that man is me

641. "What now my love" do Disco "Aloha From Hawaii"
(Sigman - Becaud)

What now my love
Now that you left me
How can I live through another day
Watching my dreams turn into ashes
And all my hopes into bits of clay
Once I could see, once I could feel
Now I'm a numb
I've become unreal

I walk the night, oh, without a goal
Stripped of my heart, my soul
What now my love
Now that it's over
I feel the world closing in on me
Here comes the stars
Tumbling around me
And there's the sky where the sea should be

What now my love
Now that you're gone
I'd be a fool to go on and on
No one would care, no one would cry
If I should live or die

What now my love
Now there is nothing
Only my last goodbye
Only my last goodbye

642. "What now, what next, where to"
(Robertson - Blair)

Like a ship without a compass on a cold lonely sea
No beacon light of love to guide me through
I lost the only treasure that means anything to me
What now, what next, where to?

I thought I had a love that would be mine eternally
I felt so sure you'd be forever true
Now everything I counted on has crumbled under you
What now, what next, where to?

You were part of every dream I dreamed, of everything I planned
How could I know our castles were built upon the sand
Won't heaven send an angel please, to tell me what to do
What now, what next, where to?
What now, what next , where to?

643. "What's she really like" do Filme "Saudades de um Pracinha"
(Wayne - Silver)

What's she really like
The girl that you see me with
What's she really like
The one I’m so dreamy with
Well, let me tell you she's wonderful
She's marvelous and she's mine

Told here that her lips, her lips are so thrillable
I can't describe her kiss in words of one syllable
She's even more than desirable
And what's moreable she's mine

What's she really like
The girl I go on about
What's she really like
The one I’m so mad about
All I can say, she's wonderful
She's marvelous and she's mine

You're asking if she loves me
Well, you don't know the half
You're wondering if she'll leave me
Ha, ha, ha, don't make me laugh

What's she really like
The girl I go on about
What's she really like
The one I’m so gone about

All I can say, she's wonderful
She's marvelous and she's mine

644. "Wheels on my heels" do Filme "O Carrossel de Emoções"
(Tepper - Bennett)

Gotta do some livin', got the wanderlust
Better clear the highway 'cause I'm gonna move some dust
Oh I got wheels, wheels on my heels
And I gotta keep rollin', rolling along

Lots of pretty dollies try to fence me in
But I love 'em and leave 'em 'cause a tumbleweed's my kin
Oh I got wheels, wheels on my heels
And I gotta keep rollin', rolling along

Why do I keep movin', never settlin' down
Can it be I'm looking for a dream I haven't found
Oh I got wheels, wheels on my heels
And I gotta keep rollin', rolling along

Oh I got wheels, wheels on my heels
And I gotta keep rollin', rolling along

645. "When I'm over you" do Disco "Love Letters"

When I'm over you there'll be darkness where my soul has been
And no light will ever shine again when I'm o-over you
When you're leavin' is over and there's not another tear to cry
In the silence of that last goodbye just remember, remember this

When I'm over you there'll be darkness where my soul has been
And no light will ever shine again when I'm over, over you.

When I'm over you there'll be darkness, darkness where my soul has been
And no light will ever shine again when I'm over, over you.

When I'm over you there'll be darkness where my soul has been
And no light will ever shine again when I'm over, over you.

When I'm over you there'll be darkness, darkness, darkness where my soul has been
And no light will ever, ever shine again when I'm over you.

646. "When it rains, it really pours" do Disco "Elvis for Everyone"
(W. Emmerson)

You know what it takes,
You've got it, baby.
You are the only one I chose.
Don't leave me here with all these heartaches,
Only you and heaven knows
About my troubles troubles troubles.

When it rains, it really pours...

You shouldn't have took away my loving
You know you thrill me from head to toe.
I got a feeling for you baby
And you're the only one who knows
About my troubles, troubles, troubles.

When it rains, it really pours...

You know what you did to make me love you
You really opened up my nose.
You got what you wanted, now you left me.
That's the way the story goes.
Well, I got troubles, troubles, troubles.

When it rains, it really pours.

647. "When my blue moon turns to gold again" do Disco "Elvis"
(Walker - Sullivan)

When my blue moon turns to gold again
When my rainbow turns the clouds away
When my blue moon turns to gold again
You'll be back within my arms to stay

When the memories that linger in our hearts
Memories that make my heart cold
However some day they'll live again sweetheart
And my blue moon again will turn to gold

648. "When the saints go marchin' in"

Well when the saints go marchin' in
Well when the saints go marchin in
Oh Lord I want to be in that number
When the saints go marchin' in

When the sun refuse to shine
Well when the sun refuse to shine
Oh Lord I want to be in that number
When the sun refuse to shine

Well when the saints go marchin' in
Well when the saints go marchin in
Oh Lord I want to be in that number
When the saints go marchin' in

Well when the saints go marchin' in
Well when the saints go marchin in
Oh Lord I want to be in that number
When the saints go marchin' in

649. "Where could I go but to the Lord" do Disco "How Great Thou Art"
(J. B. Coats)

Living below in this old sinful world
Hardly a comfort can afford
Striving alone to face temptation so
Now won't you tell me

Where could I go but to the Lord
Where could I go oh where could I go
Seeking the refuge for my soul
Needing a friend to save me in the end
Won't you tell me
Where could I go but to the Lord

Life here is grand with friends I love so dear
Comfort I get from God's own word
Yet when I face that chilling hand of death
Won't you tell me
Where could I go but to the Lord

Where could I go but to the Lord
Where could I go oh where could I go
Seeking the refuge for my soul
Needing a friend to save me in the end
Won't you tell me
Where could I go but to the Lord

650. "Where did they go Lord" - Single
(Frazier - Owens)

The words of her promise
The flame of her faith
The love that would never drift away
Where did they go Lord, where did they go?

You know somehow forever
Slipped out of my hands
And my dreams ran away with the wind
Where did they go Lord, where did they go

You know sometimes I wish
I had lost her to another
Well but Lord she just walked off all alone
But all that is within me is the bitter just ending
And bewildered because her love is gone

Oh the passion I trusted
The truth that I leaned on
And the hope that would forever keep me strong
I cry out my questions
Oh, the answers are all gone
Where did they go Lord, tell me where did they go
Where did they go Lord, tell me where did they go

651. "Where do I go from here?" do Disco "Elvis"
(Paul Williams)

If I knew the way I'd go back home
The countryside has changed so much I'd surely end up lost
Half-remembered names and faces so far in the past
On the other side of the bridges that were burned once they were crossed

Tell me where, where does a fool go when there's no-one left to listen
To a story without meaning that nobody wants to hear
Tell me where, where does a fool go when he knows there's something missing
Tell me where, where will I go from here
Where will I go from here

Get back home where my childhood dreams and wishes still are none of my regrets
Go back to a place where I can figure all the odds
Have a fighting chance to lose the blues and win my share of bets

Tell me where, where does a fool go when there's no-one left to listen
To a story without meaning that nobody wants to hear
Tell me where, where does a fool go when he knows there's something missing
Tell me where, where will I go from here
Where will I go from here

Tell me where, where does a fool go when there's no-one left to listen
To a story without meaning that nobody wants to hear
Tell me where, where does a fool go when he knows there's something missing
Tell me where, where will I go from here
Where will I go from here

Tell me where, where does a fool go when there's no-one left to listen
To a story without meaning that nobody wants to hear
Tell me where, where does a fool go when he knows there's something missing
Tell me where, where will I go from here
Where will I go from here

Tell me where, where does a fool go when there's no-one left to listen
To a story without meaning that nobody wants to hear
Tell me where, where does a fool go when he knows there's something missing
Tell me where, where will I go from here
Where will I go from here

652. "Where no one stands alone" do Disco "How Great Thou Art"
(Mosie Lister)

Once I stood in the night
With my head bowed low
In the darkness as black as could be
And my heart felt alone and I cried oh Lord
Don't hide your face from me

Like a king I may live in a palace so tall
With great riches to call my own
But I don't know a thing
In this whole wide world
That's worse than being alone
Hold my hand all the way, every hour every day
Come here to the great unknown

Take my hand, let me stand
Where no one stands alone

Take my hand, let me stand
Where no one stands alone

653. "White Christmas" do Disco "Elvis Christmas Album"
(Irving Berlin)

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas,
Just like the ones I used to know.
Where those tree-tops glisten,
And children listen
To hear sleighbells in the snow.

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas,
With every Christmas card I write,
"May your days be merry and bright,
And may all your Christmases be white".

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas,
Just like the ones I used to know.
May your days may your days may your days be merry and bright,
And may all your Christmases be white.

654. "(Do you know) who I am" do Disco "Back In Memphis"

Do you know who I am
Have you have any idea who I am
Yes it's been quite a while
And it's so good to see you again

It's so dark in this place
That I can't see your face
May believe Oh I see
Does he know who I am
And what once was between you and me

Do you know how I tried
Have you any idea how I tried
Not to keep you in sight
Do you know darling how much I cried

I remember you said
That you had to forget about me, and be free
Do you know who I am or have you forgot about me

Do you think there's a chance
You and I could start over again
Is there a prayer you still pray
Or has it just been too long and we're through
Well, what about you and him
Oh he's only a friend
Well I see there's still a chance for me

Well maybe some other time, in some other place
With our love in your heart and a smile on your face
You will know who I am
When that time comes you'll know who I am
You will know who I am
When that time comes you'll know who I am
You will know who I am
When that time comes you'll know who I am

655."Who am I?"
(R. Goodman)

When I think of how He came so far from glory
Came to dwell among the lowly such as I
To suffer shame and such disgrace
On Mount Calvary take my place
Then I ask myself this question
Who am I?

Who am I that The King would bleed and die for
Who am I that He would pray not my will, Thy Lord
The answer I may never know
Why He ever loved me so
But to that old rugged cross He'd go
For who am I?

When I'm reminded of His words
I'll leave Him never
If you'll be true I'll give to you life forever
Oh I wonder what I could have done
To deserve God's only Son
To fight my battles until they're won
For who am I?

Who am I that The King would bleed and die for
Who am I that He would pray not my will, Thy Lord
The answer I may never know
Why He ever loved me so
But to that old rugged cross He'd go
For who am I?
But to an old rugged cross He'd go for, who am I?

656. "Who are you (,who am I?)"
(S. Wayne - B. Weisman)

Who are you, who am I?
Are we more than strangers passing by?
Is this your dream are you in mine?
Are we really here or lost in time?

Will you be friend or lover
Show me the heart you conceal
Now is the time to discover
If this feeling we're feeling is real
So close to love and yet so far
Just one kiss will tell us who we are

Will you be friend or lover
Show me the heart you conceal
Now is the time to discover
If this feeling we're feeling is real
So close to love and yet so far
Just one kiss will tell us who we are

657. "Whole lotta shakin' goin' on" do Disco "Elvis Country"
(Dave Williams - Sunny David)

I said come on over baby,
a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on
Yeah I said come on over baby,
a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on
Well we ain't fakin',
a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on

Mmm, I said come on over baby,
we got chicken in the barn
Whose barn, what barn, my barn
Come on over baby,
we got the bull by the horns
Yeah, we ain't fakin',
a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on

Well, I said shake baby, shake
I said shake, baby shake now
I said shake it baby, shake it
I said shake it baby, shake
We ain't fakin',
a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on

Well, I said come on over baby,
a-whole lot-ta shakin' goin' on
I said come on over baby,
a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on
Well we ain't fakin',
a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on

Well my mom-mom-mom,
I said shake it baby, shake it
I said shake it baby, shake it
I said shake it baby, shake all right
I said shake it baby, shake it
We ain't fakin',
a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on

658. "Who needs money" do Filme "O Barco do Amor"
(Randy Starr)

I'm on the right track for lots of kissin'
So that old greenback, I won't be missin'
All the greatest things in life are free
Who needs money, not me

Cash or credit, it doesn't matter
Long as my bank books keep growin' fatter
Easy street is my favorite avenue
Who needs money, I do

Just pity all those millionaires they never can relax
Because they're always worryin' about their income tax
Why waste time on high financin', I'd rather spend it on good romancin'
What if my pockets are empty as can be
Who needs money, not me
Tell me about it

Some folks save it, some folks lend it
But as for me I want to spend it
Give me some green and my skies will be blue
Who needs money, I do

Stocks and bonds, they only bore me
Interest holds no interest for me
Who wants to sit in the lap of luxury
Who needs money, not me

When I go to bed at night instead of counting sheep
I start counting dollar bills and then I fall asleep

Making money never thrills me
It's making love that really kills me
What can I lose with my philosophy
Who needs money, not me

What do you want

I want a big yacht, I can cruise in
The kind that girls just can't refuse in
All it takes is a million or two
Who needs money, I do

Any time some gal starts flirtin'
Now that I'm broke I know for certain
She really digs my personality
Tell me, who needs money not me

Poverty's the only thing that money cannot buy
So rich or poor it pays to have M-O-N-E-Y

A gal who's tender, that's what I love

It's legal tender, I want a pile of
Just let my liquid assets overflow

You can't take it with you when you go
So, who needs money

That lovely, lovely money

Who needs money, not me

659. "Why me Lord" do Disco "On Stage In Memphis"
(Kris Kristofferson)

(Why Me Lord? What have I ever done
To deserve even one of the pleasures I've known
Tell me Lord what did I ever do to deserve loving you
And the kindness you've shown)

Lord heavenly Jesus I praise Him
So help me Jesus I know what I am
Now that I know that I needed you so
Help me Jesus, my soul's in your hands

(Try me Lord, if you think there's a way I can ever repay
All I've taken from you
Forgive Lord I can show someone else
What I've been through myself
On my way back to you)

Lord heavenly Jesus I praise Him
So help me Jesus I know what I am, Oh yes!
Now that I know that I needed you so
Help me Jesus my soul's in your hands
Jesus my soul's in your hands

660. "Wild in the country" do Filme "Coração Rebelde"
(George Wise - Hugo Peretti - Luigi Creatore)

A rose grows wild in the country
A tree grows tall as the sky
The wind blows wild in the country
And part of the wild, wild country, am I
Wild, wild, like the deer and the dove
Wild and free is this land that I love

A dream grows wild in the country
A love grows tall as the sky
A heart beats wild in the country
And here with a dream in my heart
Part of the wild, wild country, am I

661. "Winter wonderland" do Disco "Elvis sings The Wonderfull World of Christmas"
(Dick Smith)

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight
Walkin' in a winter wonderland

Gone away is the bluebird
Here to stay is a new bird
He sings a love song as we go along
Walkin' in a winter wonderland

In the meadow we can build a snowman
Then pretend that he is Parson Brown
He'll say are you married
We'll so no man,
But you can do the job when you're in town

Later on we'll conspire
As we dream by the fire
To face unafraid
The plans that we made
Walkin' in a winter wonderland

662. "Wisdom of the ages" do Filme "Férias no Harém"
(Giant - Baum - Kaye)

Listen, to the wisdom of the ages
Listen, to the words of many sages

Live each day, as if it were your last
It's written in the stars, your destiny is cast
And that hourglass, runs too fast no doubt
For the sands of time are running out

Listen, to the wisdom of the ages
These words, can be found in history's pages

Live each day, for happiness can't wait
And love while you may, but heed the hand of fate
If the finger points, it's too late no doubt
For the sands of time, are running out
But the man who turns, and escapes somehow

Is the wisest of men
And to such a man, I'd bow

663. "Witchcraft" do Disco "Elvis Golden Records vol.4"
(Bartholomew - King)

Don't do that, please stop it
Please stop it now
You know I can't take it
Please stop it now

My head is spinning a spell on me now
My head is spinning around and around
My head is spinning around and around
Your witchcraft has got me
Keep going down and down

Let me forget her, don't mention her name
You know it brings back that old burning flame
It hurts to know that she doesn't feel the same

I can't go on since she left me alone
My one desire now is to cry, now to cry
She might come back one day by and by and by

664. "Without Him"
(Mylon R. Lefevre)

Without Him I could do nothing
Without Him I’d surely fail
Without Him I would be drifting
Like a ship without a sail

Without Him I would be dying
Without Him I’d be enslaved
Without Him life would be worthless
But with Jesus thank God I’m saved

Oh Jesus, oh Jesus
Do you know Him today
Please don't turn Him away
Oh Jesus, my Jesus
Without Him how lost I would be
Without Him how lost I would be

665. "Without love (there is nothing)" do Disco "Back In Memphis"
(Danny Small)

I awakened this morning, I was filled with despair
All my dreams turned to ashes and gone, oh yeah
As I looked at my life it was barren and bare
Without love I've had nothing at all

Without love I've had nothing
Without love I've had nothing at all
I have conquered the world
All but one thing did I have
Without love I've had nothing at all

Once I had a sweetheart who loved only me
There was nothing, oh that she would not give, oh no
But I was blind to her goodness and I could not see
That a heart without love cannot live

Without love I've had nothing
Without love I've had nothing at all
I have conquered the world
All but one thing did I have
Without love I've had nothing at all

666. "Wolf call" do Filme "Louco por Garotas"
(Giant - Baum - Kaye)

Flip, flop with kay-eye (?)
What a cutie pie I see
Oops shoopa doo-wah
Lips of honey that's for me

Shim sham shimmie
I might forget you baby, there's no doubt
I saw you standing 'gainst the wall
I whistled and I gave my all
Now don't tell me you don't fall
For that wolf call

Just a little kiss'll put me in a whirl
I'll never whistle dearie at another girl
You love me well we'll have a ball
Why do you try to stall
Now don't tell me you don't fall
For that wolf call
For that wolf call
For that wolf call

667. "Woman without love" do Disco "Elvis Today"
(Jerry Chesnut)

Her eyes tell the story so well
She tries hard to hide
So little expected
Too often neglected,
A woman stripped of her pride

Always so careful not to cry
Not till I fall asleep
And there in the silence
She lies with a tear on her cheek

The thought comes to mind
That I've failed somehow
For things I can't quite recall

A man without love is only half a man
But a woman is nothing at all

668. "Wooden Heart (Muss i denn)" do Filme "Saudades de um Pracinha"
(Wise - Weisman - Twomey - Kaemfert)

Can't you see
I love you
Please don't break my heart in two
That's not hard to do
'Cause I don't have a wooden heart
And if you say goodbye
Then I know that I would cry
Maybe I would die
'Cause I don't have a wooden heart
There's no strings upon this love of mine
It was always you from the start
Treat me nice
Treat me good
Treat me like you really should
'Cause I'm not made of wood
And I don't have a wooden heart

Muss i denn, muss i denn
Zum Stadtele hinaus
Stadtele hinaus
Und du, mein schat, bleibst hier?

There's no strings upon this love of mine
It was always you from the start
Sei mir gut
Sei mir gut
Sei mir wie du wirklich sollst
Wie du wirklich sollst
'Cause I don't have a wooden heart

669. "Words" do Disco "Elvis In Person At International Hotel"
(Barry, Maurice e Robin Gibb)

Smile an everlasting smile
A smile can bring you near to me
Don't ever let me find you gone
'Cause that could bring a tear to me

This words have lost their glory,
Let's start a brand new story, now my love
Right now there'll be no other time
And I can show you all my love

Talk in everlasting words
And dedicate them all to me
I will give you all my life
It's here if you should call to me

You think that I don't even mean
A single word I say
It's only words and words are all I have
To take your heart away

670. "Working on the building" do Disco "His Hand in Mine"
(Hoyle - Boulas)

I’m working on the building
It's a true foundation
I'm holding up the blood-stained
Banner for my lord
Well I never get tired, tired, tired of working on the building
I'm going up to heaven to get my reward

I’m working on the building
It's a true foundation
I'm holding up the blood-stained
Banner for my lord
Well I never get tired, tired, tired of working on the building
I'm going up to heaven oh yeah, to get my reward

I’m working on the building
It's a true foundation
I'm holding up the blood-stained
Banner for my lord
Well I never get tired, tired, tired of working on the building
I'm going up to heaven oh yeah, to get my reward

I’m working on the building
It's a true foundation
I'm holding up the blood-stained
Banner for my lord
Well I never get tired, tired, tired of working on the building
I'm going up to heaven oh yeah, to get my reward

I’m working on the building
It's a true foundation
I'm holding up the blood-stained
Banner for my lord
Well I never get tired, tired, tired of working on the building
I'm going up to heaven oh yeah, to get my reward

671. "Write to me from Naples"
(Alstone - Kennedy)

Write to me from Naples
Tell me all that's new
I loved you in Naples
More than words can say
Call me cara mia
Tell me all that's new
Write to me from Naples
Keep my heart with you

I can hear a mandolino
Softly it cries
While I raise a glass of vino
Praising your eyes
Since we said a rivederci
My poor heart cries
Just for a letter from you

Write to me from Naples
Tell me all that's new
Write to me from Naples
Keep my heart with you
Please come back, come back to me

Compilação: Pablo Aluísio.

sábado, 23 de outubro de 2010

Elvis Presley - Letras das músicas de A a Z - Parte 23

Elvis Presley:
Letras U / V (de "Unchained melody" a "Viva Las Vegas)

620. "Unchained melody" do Disco "Moody Blue"
(Zaret - North)

Oh, my love, my darling
I've hungered for your touch, a long lonely time
And time goes by, so slowly and time can do so much
Are you, still mine?
I need your love, I need your love
God speed your love to me

Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the sea
To the waiting arms of the sea
Lonely rivers cry, wait for me, wait for me
To the open arms, wait for me

My love, my darling, I've hungered for your kiss
Are you still mine?
I need your love, I need your love
God, speed your love, to me

621. "Until it's time for you to go" do Disco "Elvis Now"
(Buffy Sainte-Marie)

You're not a dream
You're not an angel
You're a woman
I'm not a king,
I'm a man,
Take my hand
We'll make a space
In the lives that we planned
And here we'll stay
Until it's time for you to go

Yes, we're diff'rent worlds apart
We're not the same
We laughed and played
At the start like in a game
You could have stayed
Outside my heart
But in you came
And here you'll stay
Until it's time for you to go

Don't ask why,
Don't ask how
Don't ask forever,
Love me now

This love of mine
Had no beginning
It has no end
I was an oak,
Now I'm a willow
Now I can bend
And tho' I'll never
In my life see you again
I still stay
Until it's time for you to go

622. "Up above my head"

Up above my head there is music in the air
Up above my head there is music in the air
Up above my head there is music in the air, oh yeah!
And I really do believe, I really do believe
I really do believe there's a heaven somewhere
There's a heaven somewhere

623. "U.S. Male" do Disco "Almost in love"
(Jerry Reed)

Now, I'm a U.S. Male 'cause I was born
In a Mississippi town on a Sunday morn
Now Mississippi just happens to occupy a place
In the southeastern portion of this here United States
Now that's a matter of fact, buddy
And you know it well
So I just call myself the U.S. Male
That's M-A-L-E, son. That's me!

Now I said all that to say all this
I've been watchin' the way
You've been watchin' my miss
For the last three weeks you been hot on her trail
And you kinda upset this U.S. Male
You touch her once with your greasy hands
I'm gonna stretch your neck like a long rubber band
She's wearin' a ring that I bought her on sale
And that makes her the property of this U.S. Male

You better not mess with the U.S. Male my friend
The U.S. Male gets mad, he's gonna do you in
You know what's good for yourself son
You better find somebody else son
Don't tamper with the property of the U.S. Male

Through the rain and the heat and the sleet and the snow
The U.S. Male is on his toes
Quit watchin' my woman, for that ain't wise
You ain't pullin' no wool over this boy's eyes
I catch you 'round my woman, champ
I'm gonna leave your head 'bout the shape of a stamp
Kinda flattened out, so you'll do well
To quit playin' games with this U.S. Male

You better not mess with the U.S. Male my friend
The U.S. Male gets mad, he's gonna do you in
You know what's good for yourself son
You better find somebody else son
Don't tamper with the property of the U.S. Male

Sock it to me

All right...now I'm gonna tell it like it is son
I catch you messin' 'round with that woman of mine
I'm gonna lay one on ya. You're talkin' to the U.S. Male
The American U.S. Male

624. "Vino, dinero y amor" do Filme "O Seresteiro de Acapulco"
(Sid Tepper - Roy C. Bennett)

Viva el vino, viva el dinero
Viva, Viva

El amor

I like to drink wine, and money is fine
But I like the girls even more
Viva el vino, viva el dinero, viva viva el amor

Some pesos you pass, put wine in her glass
And soon she will say "si senor"
Viva el vino, viva el dinero, viva viva el amor

With wine on your lips and money in your pocket
And your sweetheart in your arms
You're rich as you can be
So lift up your glass, let's sing it all together
Muchachas, caballeros, make this toast with me

We'll drink one more time, with money and wine
Let's drink to the girls we adore
Viva el vino, viva el dinero, viva viva el amor

Sing one more time, money and wine
Let's sing to the girls we adore

Viva el vino, viva el dinero, viva viva...

El amor

625. "Violet"
(S. Dueker - P. Lohstroh)

Underneath the foliage, in its bower set
Loveliest of the flowers of spring
Blooms the violet

(Violet, violet, flower of N.Y.U.)

We will ever sing thy praise
To thee we'll ere be true
(We'll be true)

626. "Viva Las Vegas" do Filme "Amor a Toda Velocidade"
(Doc Pomus - Mort Shuman)

Bright light city gonna set my soul
Gonna set my soul on fire
Got a whole lot of money that's ready to burn,
So get those stakes up higher
There's a thousand pretty women waitin' out there
And they're all livin' devil may care
And I'm just the devil with love to spare
Viva Las Vegas, Viva Las Vegas

How I wish that there were more
Than the twenty-four hours in the day
'Cause even if there were forty more
I wouldn't sleep a minute away
Oh, there's black jack and poker and the roulette wheel
A fortune won and lost on ev'ry deal
All you need's a strong heart and a nerve of steel
Viva Las Vegas, Viva Las Vegas

Viva Las Vegas with you neon flashin'
And your one armbandits crashin'
All those hopes down the drain
Viva Las Vegas turnin' day into nighttime
Turnin' night into daytime
If you see it once
You'll never be the same again

I'm gonna keep on the run
I'm gonna have me some fun
If it costs me my very last dime
If I wind up broke up well
I'll always remember that I had a swingin' time
I'm gonna give it ev'rything I've got
Lady luck please let the dice stay hot
Let me shout a seven with ev'ry shot
Viva Las Vegas, Viva Las Vegas,
Viva, Viva Las Vegas

Compilação: Pablo Aluísio.